Friday, July 8, 2016

Black & Blue Lives Matter

The crowd gathered on the historic North Common near Town Hall
They formed a large circle and interlocked hands and arms

The demonstration on the Amherst Town Common to protest two recent killings of black men by police was planned before the horrific events of last night, where five Dallas police officers were murdered in cold blood.

 Amilcar Shabazz being interviewed by local TV station

The peaceful event this evening drew a large crowd of nearly 200 participants of every age, gender, and ethnicity.

Prominent local black activists addressed the somber gathering from inside the circle and Trevor Baptiste asked them to pray for ALL the victims of senseless violence this week both black and white.

 Kathleen Anderson, Amilcar Shabazz, Trevor Baptiste

Amherst police presence was practically non existent, although a Massachusetts State Police helicopter ambled around the common a few times low and slow before leaving the scene.

MSP Air 1

Meanwhile the main town flag on the common is flying at half staff for the next five days at Governor Baker's order,  "in honor of the five fallen officers in Dallas, TX."


  1. Black live matter less than one would think in Amherst. But if you get a few folk together for these events, you can make it seem like Amherst is a great place to be black.

  2. Don't you think some of these black people have been "murdered in cold blood?" Like how about all of them in recent memory? When a man is shot 4 times while he is reaching for his license, what do you call that? The NRA lobbies for every kind of weapon to be legal, but when a white cop hears a black man has a weapon he just starts shooting? White people are huge proponents of the second amendment. Why is it that we are not seeing live video of white people shot and killed by the police?

    Yes, ed, obviously all lives matter but it appears the cops are only interested in shooting and killing the blalck lives. Maybe that is why someone said, "hey black lives matter, too." But I realize you are ed and this is a difficult concept for you. So, I ask you to simply try to understand the idea.

  3. Chicago lives matter?

  4. 12:32 --

    1: It is alleged that the man in MN (a) had a gun on his left thigh, (b) did NOT have a CCL, and (c) was an armed robbery suspect.

    2: There is something wrong with that video, there is something there screaming that what I'm seeing isn't what it appears to be.

    3: Cops killed TWICE AS MANY Whites than Blacks u=in 2015

  5. Noy to confuse anyone with facts

  6. Anon 12:23

    The "white cop" you refered to who "just starts shooting" was dealing with two non-compliant suspects, one of whom was visibly armed with a handgun and fit the profile from a July 2nd armed robbery. Oh, and btw, the police officer, Jeronimo Yanez, who did the shooting is Hispanic, not white. Sorry if these facts don't fit in with your white=BAD narrative.

  7. "Why is it that we are not seeing live video of white people shot & killed by the police?" Great question, anon 12:23. Especially since most of those killed by police are white.

  8. Keithw, I think it is more relevant if he HAD a CCW -- he apparently never applied for one, and if there was what a reasonable person would perceive as a gun in his lap.

    Sorry, being "non-compliant" isn't a capitol offense, and the problem ids that complying constitutes a waiver of your rights -- there is no accountability for the officer.

    Hence the middle is ceasing to hold...

  9. See:

    Dropping all charges and shipping him to the IRR with an honorable discharge strikes me as the Army realizing it made a big mistake. My guess is that the E-4 is White and there was no small amount of racism involved.

    She is, of course, free to sleep with whomever she wishes, but if everyone in her unit was stealing her panties (i.e. the 1960-ish "pantie raids"), well...
    And if this unit was as much of a frathouse as some rear-area co-ed units reportedly were, well...

    And we do need to know more about the "restaurant" where she was "employed" -- I thought being s deployed soldier was her job.

    And if his life was ruined by a malicious & false allegation of mental illness, and if that's what led to 5 dead cops, that young lady should br held accountable.

    We need an investigation....

  10. Non-compliance can be a capital offense. I am tired of people saying you shouldn't be killed for stealing cigars or selling cds. Of course not! Those are not the reason people were shot but does make a good slogan. Whatever happened in Minnesota he wasn't shot because of his tail light.

  11. Then we live under de=facto martial law.

  12. Anon 3:24...huh?I guess you are under no obligation to make any sense!.

  13. Just a question on number of people shot .. by race.. those statistics are only relevant if it considers the racial breakdown of the entire population. For example if 100 more white people were shot and killed but there are 10,000 more while ppl in that community then the black people shot still our pace the whites statistically.

  14. "...most declarations of martial law have some common features. Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military force. To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement."

  15. No, because you presume an equal distribution of people -- including victims of crime. Look at rge racial breakdoen of child GSW mortality in Chicago. Blacks report more crimes, request more police protection and hence more cops.

    EG Holyoke Flats versus Amherst Woods...

    If you factor in location, White males have a 1.3% greater chance of being murdered by a cop.

    Black cops do kill unarmed white men --in a case in Alabama, a naked White man.

  16. Ed I am not saying it doesn't happen I am just saying statistically we have to make sure what we are looking at. I asked the question or made the point because numbers are easily manipulated to prove whatever point the person is looking to point out, depending on the standard of measurement it is reported in. I looked at the link above about the shootings but so much information is missing it is hard for me personally trust any conclusions my instincts may want to draw. That is only becuase I took many statistic classes during my time at Umass.

  17. Anon 8:10 -- I can't find that in the FBI stats. Where did you get it?

  18. Heather Macdonald's book.

  19. "The War on Cops" is the title.
