Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Lorax With Bite

Big Y is requesting removal of these Arborvitaes for better visibility

The Amherst Shade Tree Committee is working on a new by-law they hope the Select Board will place on the November Town Meeting Warrant to update rules and regulations concerning public trees or those growing in the public way, which often extends 20' or more from public roads.

The bylaw would allow the Tree Warden to fine unauthorized removal or purposely vandalizing a tree in the public way $500, on top of the somewhat steep per inch replacement cost.

The bylaw would also loosen restrictions somewhat by increasing the size of trees from the current 1.5" to 5" in diameter that trips a tree review by the Tree Warden.

And they are attempting to come up with a "hardship" scenario where the Tree Warden could exempt a homeowner from paying the tree replacement costs for removal of a healthy tree, such as the little old lady who needs to remove a tree from fouling up a sewer line.

Removal of a tree in dangerous decline would still be allowed at no replacement costs and if located on town property, carried out by the DPW.

The Amherst Shade Tree Committee would still be an "advisory" group to the Tree Warden and the Select Board would still hear appeals of the Tree Warden's decision as they maintain ultimate authority over the public ways.

New bright yellow flyers are attached to trees involved in a public removal hearing
These four on Kendrick Park will go to make room for a new roundablut
This entire island will be removed for new roundabout


  1. I understood from the Posting of the PB meeting that only one tree was to removed for the round-about. Now it looks like 5? Meanwhile Vince O'Connor is circulating a petition to nix the roundabout.

  2. Where is the money for the roundabout coming from? I thought it would cost $1-2 million. I don't remember Town Meeting authorizing any borrowing for a roundabout? Is this a priority over the many crummy streets that need repaving?

  3. Ironic, don't you think, that those who laud Sacred Shade Trees as a "renewable" resource argue loudest against removal?

    I wonder what dark secrets make them feel safest under the cover of Trees away from the open light of day . . .

  4. Are you saying that the current regulation is 1.5 inches in diameter? Or did you use the wrong symbol. 1.5 inches? I've got weeds with more diameter than that.

  5. Five tree, 10 meetings, 15 fines, 200 overseers and endless bs....

    They either own the trees or they do not. When you own something, you decide...the town owns all these trees and the people on their land not only lost their trees....they lost their balls sometime before. What's up your kids to the town....oh, too are a bunch of slave units just awaiting your next directive from the ignorant.

  6. Yep. Anything larger than 1.5" requires the Planning Board and Tree Warden to conduct a Tree Hearing.

  7. I do not know how much this Tree Warden makes, but whatever it is it's to much. Ax him and let common sense take over.

  8. Tree Warden is an unpaid volunteer position.

  9. The Tree Warden is an employee of the Amherst DPW and he was paid $80,927.62 for the 2015 fiscal year (according to the Town's open checkbook).

  10. He was paid that as "Division Director for Trees & Grounds" not for being Tree Warden.

    Stan Ziomek was Tree Warden for many, many years with no pay.

  11. He ain't worth $80K a year. Another over paid person on the payroll. Raise the taxes some more.

  12. So, the Tree Warden can only perform his official duties on his own time, not while he's being paid to direct the trees and grounds?

    What we really need is a Weeds and Brush Clearing and Mowing Warden

  13. Where is the Town Director of Common Sense?? Please, can we find him/her? This keeps getting more and more crazy. Are we completely Socialist yet?
