Friday, July 29, 2016

3rd Time The Charm?

Maria Geryk at Select Board meeting in January for Mega School update

For the 3rd consecutive time (plus two that were cancelled last minute) the Amherst Pelham Regional School Committee will meet in executive session to discuss the employment future of Superintendent Maria Geryk.

Since it is a secret meeting with no itemized posted agenda we do not know if it's Maria Geryk who wants out of the remaining two years on her contract (at $150K per year) or if it is the School Committee that wishes to terminate the entire contract or just the extra 3rd year that requires 120 day notice to terminate. 

Although I'm told this is the first time rookie Chair Laura Kent polled members in advance (legally allowed under Open Meeting Law) to ascertain whether they are available to make this meeting. 

The Regional School Committee also formerly adopted "remote participation," so even if members are on vacation they can participate by Skype, Facetime or conference call.

The Superintendent has been under fire for the past four months for issuing a "stay away order" to single parent Aisha Hiza who was pressing school officials to deal with the bullying of her seven year old daughter (and a few other children in the Pelham Elementary School).

 Aisha Hiza at June 13 Select Board meeting

Unlike the District Court system the state allows Superintendents superpowers when it comes to issuing such orders.  But with any great power comes the responsibility to use it wisely.


  1. Thanks Larry -- Do you have insider knowledge it's one of those two topics?

    "Since it is a secret meeting with no itemized posted agenda we do not know if it's Maria Geryk who wants out of the remaining two years on her contract (at $150K per year) or if it is the School Committee that wishes to terminate the entire contract or just the extra 3rd year that requires 120 day notice to terminate. "

  2. Larry, you want to challenge this -- you are required to return to open session at the end. 0therwise it is the illegal stunt of an ongoing series of secret meetings they on't even tell you about.

  3. Maria's/Teachers Union/School Commitee Union booster junkies policies seem to prove an " Educated /Calculated T.K.O to many poor victim's futures, how about herself , for example ???!!!$$$$&

    1. Well I'm sure she won't be going away poor.. If that's even what is happening. I assume she gets all the money left on her
      Contract.. And will land a job somewhere .. So she wil be raking it in. She probaBly has something else manipulative up her sleeve as well like making good on the legal threat to Trevor early this year.. Good news is you can' t get blood from a stone.. Meanwhile.. We will have to stayed tuned this drama story seems to have more subplots than I can follow but will be interesting to watch unfold.. Until everyone gets put on nondisclosure agreements that is.

  4. Just because Larry says so does NOT mean anything. He just likes to speculate, and he likes to beat up his own town's schools. Guess he is sending his kids somewhere else. Maria Geryk will be the superintendent for years to come. I have insider information.

    1. Doesnt maria send her kids somewhere else ? Im just sayin.. Its easy to beat up on the schools .. There has been no shortage of material. If our kids are going to go here we have the right to complain to try to get things better. Too many ppl have their heads in the sand. We all pay for them and personally the number of lawsuits and payouts has been over the top.. Also the bullying problems, the constant curriculum adjustments, upset teachers, ignored parents, the pelham situation, adult bullying of SC members, a SC that hasnt been able to supervise, the five minute for the disappeared from ACTV.., fighting with Baptiste, ignoring parents regarding the WW project. Should I keep going... Hmmm inability to descalate, admit mistakes, or take responsibility. Did I miss anything.. I only started paying attention in March.

  5. No Kurt, I don't think she will.

    She's like the VC were after Tet -- if she survives this, the next little thing will overwhelm her.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well good luck on your Insider information!! I hope that they have accurate information in some ways and other ways I absolutely hope they're wrong. I have to admit the reason I hope that you're right is because I'd like to see her fix the mess she's made..IF SHE'S CAPABLE..or.have to live through her bad decisions this past year. I would like too see if she can get back in the good graces of the Amherst residents. I think this will be impossible after she separates the first graders from the fourth graders and nobody can pick up their kids on time to get them to activities. Maybe we'll be lucky and the vote won't pass. That will be what is best for this town and then we can resubmit the parent child friendly plan. Keep Crocker together.. Etc.. I'd like to see her stick around for the hiza lawsuit. I might actually take time off from work to attend court because that's going to be very interesting. I would like to think that your Insider information is accurate the only way that she's going to be around for years to come is if the school committee decides they cant afford to pay her out.Or she drags itwith her incompetent legal team. We should put a side bet on whose speculation is more accurate I woll wager your 500 bucks against mine in a second so send Larry your email and when this is all over he'll get us in touch.

  7. I'm sure there are people that know what is going on.
    My hope for the future of the Amherst school system is that Ms. Geryk leaves in some fashion. She has done nothing to grow & improve the learning of students and has severely eroded fabric of the Amherst community. I know her and she is a nice person. Her ego will prevent her from making sound decisions that are best for all children & their families.


  8. Those times I waited for you seem so long ago
    I wanted you far too much to ever let you go
    You know I never got by, "I feel it too"
    And I guess I never could stand to lose
    It's such a pity to say

    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you

    Could I have loved someone like the one I see in you
    I remember the good times baby now, and the bad times too
    These last few weeks of holdin' on
    The days are dull, the nights are long
    Guess it's better to say

    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you

    'Cause baby it's over now
    No need to talk about it
    It's not the same
    My love for you's just not the same
    And my heart, and my heart
    And my heart can't stand the strain
    And my love, and my love
    And my love won't stand the pain
    And my heart, and my heart
    And my heart can't stand the strain
    And my love, and my love
    And my love

    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you

    Now, could I have loved someone like the one I see in you
    Yeah, I remember the good times baby now, and the bad times too
    These last few weeks of holdin' on
    The days are dull, the nights are long
    Guess it's better to say

    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you
    Goodbye to you

    Goodbye baby
    So long, darlin'
    Goodbye to you

  9. Maria Geryk needs to go. Period. So does her side kick Mike Morris. My insider information is from a student, relentlessly bullied by a gym teacher. Two years of pure he'll. This is not what we send our children to school for. This administration is totally and absolutely incompetent. This is putting it mildly, as mildly as this blog will allow. These kinds of people should not be rewarded(paying out their contracts) for the harm they have caused-to too many families for too many years. Marta Guevara, and Dr. Brady-you both need to jump in the same boat with MG, MM with two short oars!

  10. The administration in amherst is loaded with big salaries and what our students get is………?
