Tuesday, June 28, 2016

There He Goes Yet Again

Luke Vincent Gatti arrested May 28th, 2016

Not surprisingly Luke Gatti, aka the infamous UConn Mac & Cheese kid, who got his start with alcohol fueled mayhem at UMass Amherst, has been arrested yet again.  This time in sunny Florida.

In our little college town Mr. Gatti was arrested twice within three weeks on infamous Phillips Street:

Click to enlarge/read
Page 2 continues:  "a temper tantrum like behavior.  Mr. Gatti then clenched his hands and held his arms in a defiant manner consistent with an agitated state.  He was arrested for Disorderly Conduct."

 Click to enlarge/read

And yes -- in the interests of being fair and balanced -- I did reach out back then to young Gatti for comment:

Maybe now his dad will stop bailing him out, and get him the help he so obviously needs.

Luke V. Gatti (center) and father (right) appear before Judge John Payne September 15, 2014

Story is already going viral hours after I first posted


  1. Do you have any links to local news articles on this most recent arrest in Florida? I couldn't find anything with my google search.

  2. No, because there were none (yet).

    Somebody tipped me last night (after I went to bed) and it was a tad complicated to get the document so it went unnoticed at the time.

  3. Maybe his dad is getting him help. You don't know if he is or not, but you make a statement about it. All in the interest of being fair and balanced, right?

    If this is a case of mental illness emerging in late adolescence (and I don't know that it is), then it's a tremendous heartbreak for the parents. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Getting treatment for the child is not so simple. The organ in charge of deciding to take medication is the organ with the disease. I wouldn't be quick to judge the parents.

  4. Who cares about this guy. And why?

  5. Give the kid credit. He's building quite a resume. Other kids his age don't even have a job and he's making a name for himself.

  6. Florida jails have great mac & cheese! Allegedly.

  7. Thank you, Nina, for attempting empathy on this blog.

    Rich Morse

  8. He and IceBerg should have a showdown. My money's on the Berg.

  9. Larry, in Canada, you would be in jail for this post. And that's presuming that you learned of this legally, that no LEO source was involved -- and rhat you can prove that. Personally, I'd have waited for a copy of the arrest report...

    Maybe Canada is right -- no one's name gets printed until trial.

    And Nina, "Afluenza" is NOT a mental illness, and having a .2+ BAC inherently means your brain ain't working right.

  10. 1:54, why should you have given the cop in Ferguson or the seven in Baltimore the benefit of the doubt either?

    Aren't you glad someone did?

  11. Gee, Ed, he's not in Canada. He's also not in France, Sweden or Russia either, to name other countries irrelevant to this.

  12. Canada's 9 states and about a thousand miles closer than Florida.

    But I was making a point about the balance of unfettered freedom of the press versus right to a fair trial.

    Larry, honestly, you got him kicked out of UMass, what is your purpose in posting his FL arrest?

    And instead of mouthing off to cops, he instead could be driving drunk...

  13. Why don't you ask MassLive/Republican, Hartford Courant, New York Daily News and most recently the venerable Daily Hampshire Gazette that same question.

  14. Ed, why are you so obsessed with this blog? You've got an opinion about everything. Perhaps getting a job would cure that?

  15. There is NO other country in the world that values free speech and press as much as the US. And I am sure our little cop assaulting friend does drive drunk. Why wouldn't he ? And this is ends job...proffessional pain in the ass.

  16. Ed, Larry didn't get him kicked out of Umass. He did that to himself.

  17. As a crippled for life victim of a hit & run drunk driver-I know this crime/ social mental illness disease is NO JOKE..this is just terrorism/ murder-I feel bad for Gatti-yes..but we need to stop him from murdering INNOCENTS..why must others pay for HIS CRIMES..this is what the retorting al anon nitwits here completely fail to grasp-JUST BLATANT ABJECT UN_ADULTERATED-PURE CRIMINALITY !

  18. He just made the HuffPo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/luke-gatti-arrested-assault_us_5772b591e4b0352fed3e0316?section=

    Presumably by being in rehab, he is trying to do better,right? It's clear he needs some more help.

  19. Everyone is a victim now days.

  20. Alcoholism and drug abuse is a disease...Larry didn't you have a problem with alcohol and good for you for being able to remain sober..and were you in control all the time when you were drunk?.
    .but know you live in a glass house....
    It is a lifelong disease.....i hope you have some empathy for him and prayers that he will get the help he needs...substance abuse and mental illness are horrible disease for both the individual and their family, friends and community

  21. I'm the previous anon... Further reading of the PC affidavit from Florida references the "baker act", which is that state's law for involuntary commitment. It would explain why he remained in custody for 4 days.

  22. Man, a flood of dui/spoiled brat apologists! Crazy, this person is a drink away from killing someone.

    I'm interested in this story! Kid used racial slurs towards our police while drunkenly wandering the streets, went viral at UConn then posted a YouTube apology/not apology. This parentally enabled nightmare of a kid, adult now, keeps putting others at risk, I want to know.

    Thanks for posting this, I would not have found it otherwise. Hope FL keeps him!

  23. You're welcome.

    (And none of the other media would have found it if I had not posted it first.)

  24. The one thing NOT his fault is that he wasn't receiving proper medical care in DeTox.And the police report as much as states that.

  25. No, Ed. It doesn't state that at all.

  26. So now we are saying that the Hartford Currant is making stuff up?

    Why would they be doing that?

  27. 1) anon 9:42 There was no DUI. 2) The first post Larry made about this guy was after his case was dismissed where he allegedly called a WHITE COP the n-word (ridiculous) court records in CT show that there was a impartial witness supporting Gatti’s denial. 3) Larry didn't get him kicked out of UMASS, court records show that he withdrew from UMASS and was a Freshman at UCONN on academic scholarship (which isn’t possible if he was expelled from UMASS). 4) The UCONN incident had nothing to do with entitlement, it was set up by 2 employees and it got way out of control (Go to "How do you react to that?"): http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/11/story-behind-the-viral-video-mac-and-cheese-kid
