Friday, June 24, 2016

I'm Somebody Now!

The only things I love more than blogging (Jada)
Well how about that! The Valley Advocate declared me one of the "100 things" they love about the Valley.

Silly me, I always make fun of Internet listicals -- but this one strikes me as pretty darn lovable.

Although I'm pretty sure if, say, the Massachusetts Daily Collegian came up with a list of 100 things their readers hate about the Valley, I would be pretty high on the list.

The BIG advantage I have over traditional bricks-and-mortar media outlets is I know my hometown better than anyone.

And I still have a competitive karate spirit for getting the story, giving voice to the voiceless or speaking truth to power.  Especially when it's a combination of all three.

But mainly I have an Irish sense of humor -- even when the jokes on me. 


  1. Congratulations

  2. Thanks.

    Now if I could just get them to take out an ad on the blog ...

  3. Excellent and well deserved.

  4. Looks like you're going to need a shotgun there dad for keeping them young suitors in line.

  5. Amherst's best blog is informative, engaging and free...God bless America!

  6. I love to find the stuff that the gazette/bulletin never publishes. I read the Boston Globe too for the same reason. Congratulations! hbg

  7. Well deserved Larry, thanks for doing the work. Between the satisfaction of a job well done, and a great family... you are a rich man indeed. Richard Marsh

  8. The article also loved town meeting and Amherst's citizen involvement. Good company Larry!

  9. You're kidding me, that's Kira, wow she's gorgeous and come a long way since 4yr old Flower Girl at Keith n' Dani's Wedding!!! Best Larry !!!......Dave

  10. Thanks Dave. She sure has come a long way.

  11. Thanks for those photo's...

  12. Larry, your Karate reference here and your reference to violence in your drone post are disturbing. You could really hurt someone if you wanted to.

    Therefore you should be locked up for our safety.

  13. Well fortunately in this great country of ours we have a thing called due process.

    And I would be allowed to defend myself in front of a jury of my peers -- none of whom would be Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

    So I have nothing to worry about.

  14. OMG this is totally deserved. I'd put your awesomeness in that valley cool category too.

  15. Larry, I used to think that too.

    You are wrong. You saw what was done to Aisa Hiza, can you imagine what would have happened were she a White male?

    And if you think you will get a chance to even know what you are accused of,let alone a trial, dream on....

  16. This is a kinder, gentler Larry we're seeing...Golden moments. Thank you Larry.

  17. Ed usual.....

  18. Ed, you are just a troublemaker who lives in Maine but obsesses over our fair town. You make a constant stream of racially insensitive comments but somehow it's to be believed that you are now a social justice advocate. You are just trying to reignite this issue as part of your bizarre perversion. Sorry, but you are not credible.

  19. "You make a constant stream of racially insensitive comments but somehow it's to be believed that you are now a social justice advocate."


    I'll have what granny's having!

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Calm your walker, the dispensaries are on the way.

    Oh and congrats Larry!

  20. I am sure squeaky is ed...!

  21. Dr. Ed with TWO BIG SCHMUCKS....June 25, 2016 at 10:33 PM

    Let me (1) thank sqeaky for defending me, (2) state that Squeaky ain't me, and (3) ask Larry to post his email address for "deep background" stuff.

    And anyone who has ever corrected student papers can tell-- my writing style is way different from squeaky's.

  22. Ed does protest too much...of course you make squeaky write in a different "style". And I think ed has only one very tiny schmuck!

  23. Shotgun don't kick hard as LK!
    Awesome write-up, Larry.
    Hope to see you on the 4th :)

  24. Anon 5:26:

  25. It's not my money, fools!June 27, 2016 at 7:35 PM

    "of course you make squeaky write in a different "style"."


    I'm a whiny and pathetic disgruntled former employee of the schools, remember?

    A sewer rat, if I understood Kurt Geryk, correctly.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Keep doing nothing Amherst. I'm loving ~every minute~ as they suck: you: dry.

    laugh!------- out!------- LOUD!

  26. Poor Larry, can't get no respect. I hope he gets lots more clicks out of this little kudo, he has a family to take care of. I'm sure his readers don't come for you guys :-))
