Friday, June 17, 2016

Circle The Wagons

Once bitterly opposed Butternut Farm (now not a peep)

Vince O'Connor, a North Amherst resident, used the public comment period at Monday night's Select Board meeting to serve notice the NIMBYs would not take a new mixed-use affordable housing project at the Mill District in North Amherst sitting down.

Although he was sitting when he delivered his warning.

A "friendly 40B" would allow Beacon Communities a little leeway in zoning regulations for a denser development in order for them to be able to afford having 25% of the units be, you know, affordable.

 Beacon Communities project would go on lot between Atkins Farm and Cowls Building Supply

And presumably they would do this all on their own dime rather than relying on town funding.

A few years ago we used $1.25 million in Community Preservation Act money to help Beacon purchase Rolling Green apartments thus keeping 204 units on the Subsidized Housing Inventory and keeping the town above the 10% threshold.

Otherwise we would now be below that state mandated threshold and Beacon could simply do a regular Ch40B development.

 Vira Douangmany Cage (far left)

At the 3rd Hampshire District candidates night on Wednesday Vira Douangmany Cage told the standing room only crowd she lives in Butternut Farm in South Amherst, and her family probably would not be living in Amherst if not for that affordable development, which was the result a "friendly 40B."

As usual that project was bitterly opposed by neighbors, causing a many year delay and $150,000 in additional legal expenses.

But I'm pretty sure Beacon Communities has a pretty good lawyer, or two.



  1. Does Vince live anywhere near this site? Is IT NIMBy or NIMT...Not in my Town?

  2. Summer Street, so yeah close enough.

  3. Vince lives under the bridge near Puffers Pond. Which explains why he wants to keep the road closed.

  4. The same folks that gave us The Trolley Barn -- 2,000 sq ft apartments over a luxury hair salon. Hahahahaha!

  5. Why do you live in a town you hate? Or maybe you don't live here. In which case why do you care?

  6. A bit hypocritical of him, isn't it? What did he say during his school committee run?

    Low income housing for all, unless Vince doesn't like it.

  7. "The same folks that gave us The Trolley Barn -- 2,000 sq ft apartments over a luxury hair salon. Hahahahaha!"

    And this affects you how?

  8. What Vince doesn"t understand is that:

    1: HUD's Section 8 Rent Limit is based on the SPRINGFIELD AREA (where stuff can be built) and not Amherst where an artificial restriction on supply increases price. Vince may soon find himself priced out of his current abode.

    2: Vince lives in a 50-year-old, Market-rate development. And in the real-estate world, it's "location, location, location" -- it's a lovely location now,although it might not have been in the 1950's, in the flood plain of what was likely then an abandoned/unmaintained dam draining polluted/smelly water into a brook abutting the property. Hence a cheaply-built multi-unit, multi-building development that would never be approved today. Kinda like the old Amherst Crossing complex, built in 1962 on the ash pile of the adjacent coal-fired generating plant -- Much as Aspen Square realized the potential, bought it & doubled the rent, Mill Hollow is ripe for gentrification.

    3: While Vince has never had to care about property taxes (which are in a tenant's rent) as it was properties closer to campus that first hit the Sect 8 limit, well....

    Of course he wants the bridge kept closed....

    1. God Eddie, just go away and quit making up facts again.

  9. These conflicts could be solved by letting people own their property vs. rent it from the town. Owners get to decide, renters have to ask their landlord or overseer. Adults decide, children and the mentally ill get permission.

    Again, ownership solves so many problems. Not allowing anyone to own anything, simply creates endless conflict, which is perfect for government, conflict is spelled opportunity if you are in government. 911, civil rights movement, orlando, etc. all prime examples. I am not sure anything is actually owned by anyone but the town in Amherst, like your kids, your home, your food, your weed - all subject to massive oversight, permissions, regulations, restrictions...absolutely not yours.

    There are actually some idiots out there that think government is there to solve problems vs. create them so they can benefit and get your stuff. I realize that the children and mentally ill will have trouble making sense of this, simply turn to the town, they will let you know what you can and cannot do. You cannot own property though, be clear on that.

  10. Anon make Dr ed sound reasonable ...did ed hire you? ed your "overseer"?

  11. Oh my GOD, it's June shed the long underwear and flannel long sleeve shirt Vinny!

  12. When Vince expires, which I hope is not soon, I hope Larry will do a remembrance of all the different combos of flannel and suspenders Vince has worn over the years.

  13. Don't forget Vince's classic and stupendously Bono-esque glasses. Someone call Anne Wintour - think we have the Summer '16 look ready for the glossies.

  14. Larry, any details on the actual proposal? how many units? how big? etc.

  15. say what you want about vince and his flannels, but the man does have a fantastic head of hair. i'll give him that (and only that).
