Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bockelman It Is

Paul Bockelman, new Town Manager

After about 20 minutes sequestered away in a side office room adjacent to the Town Room the Amherst Select Board returned from executive session to confirm Paul Bockelman as new Town Manager for three years starting August 22, right around the time our beloved students come flocking back to town.

Select Board retreated behind closed doors 

Mr. Bockelman would know that of course since he lived in town as a college student who graduated from Hampshire College many years ago.

Yes, it would have been a little better if the term of the contract was only two years because now Town Meeting loyalists will use that last year buyout as an excuse to vote against a Charter Change, switching our form of government from Select Board/Town Manager/Town Meeting to Mayor/Council.

 Town Press Release
 Click to enlarge/read
Select Board member Connie Kruger signing the contract


  1. In the words of Bob Dylan: "I just say 'good luck.'"

  2. And MIT.

    Great to have someone of his ability and experience working for us at this time. His background as Director of Admin and Finance at the Massachusetts Municipal Association make him the perfect person for this period of transition. As a 30 year resident of Somerville, he served on the School Committee there and probably knows more about town politics than any three of us. He is in the right place at the right time, lucky us.
