Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Tree Survives In South Amherst

666 South East Street Amherst

20.5" White Oak (yellow caution tape around it)

The controversial but statuesque 20.5" White Oak at the crest of a dangerous hill on South East Street that has been somewhat on death row for three years has been given a stay of execution.  Permanently.

Homeowners at 666 South East Street first came into conflict with the Tree Warden and Shade Tree Committee when they wished to remove 7 trees in front of their house for a new driveway relocation.

Mickey Rathbun, Chris Benfey, 666 S.E. Street homeowners

But Tree Warden Alan Snow deemed the trees healthy, and required tree replacement costs of $6,000 which then made the driveway project cost prohibitive.

Back in early April this nearby oak was the subject of a death penalty hearing at Planning Board Scenic Roads Public Hearing as the original hearing for the driveway brought up overall safety concerns. 

The DPW decided to remove the white oak as a hazard (blocking sight lines) to the homeowners current driveway from cars speeding along South East Street.

The Planning Board agreed to removal in a 5-4 vote, but Tree Warden Alan Snow and the Public Shade Tree Committee strongly disagreeing with removal.

And since one member of the general public requested in writing the saving of the tree, the case was then automatically sent to the Select Board for final adjudication.

On Monday night (very late into the meeting) Temporary Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner told the Select Board that the owners of 666 South East Street had withdrawn their removal request.

Somewhere in the distance, a Lorax rejoiced.


  1. What a ridiculous waste of everyone's time. It's just a tree!

  2. Sub_urbanites think that all tree's cause pollution-sales of leaf bags must be too hot to handle at Lowes home improvement !!

  3. Hey, this is the Other Lorax, far away indeed: thanks, Amherst Lorax, for reporting this good news!

    Just a tree, 1:54PM? That tree is likely older than thee (please respect your elders... :-).

  4. I thought the removal request was sought by the DPW since the traffic expert hired by the town said the tree was a danger to public safety. The same expert said that the 25 mph speed limit on the hill was not low enough. What happens when the next accident happens on the hill? Is the town liable for a known unsafe condition?

  5. Gee I wonder where anon 5:40 lives?
