Thursday, May 12, 2016

There They Go Again

North end of downtown, finally, getting infrastructure improvements

As usual the Town Meeting warrant article that made the most common sense for quick passage -- deemed a "no brainer" by one member --  created the longest discussion of the night, although it did easily attain more than a two thirds vote, 119 to 32. 

As "keepers of the public way" the Amherst Select Board has already unanimously approved a roundabout for the important East Pleasant/Triangle Street intersection, a main gateway to UMass.

 Bank of America ATM (red roof)
Land required in yellow
In order to make it safer for pedestrians via a sidewalk the town needs a sliver of land from Bank of America, who is willing to donate it in exchange for some help fixing a water pipe connection to their brightly colored ATM.

But naturally, fuddy-duddies in Town Meeting who prefer the old fashioned signalized intersection continue to engage in guerrilla warfare, trying to stop progress.

Fortunately a couple years from now they will figure it out -- after easily negotiating the roundabout on their horse and buggy.


  1. Town meeting seems to be going out of it's way to show why it's time to change our charter and be done with town meeting once and for all.

  2. They do seem to have a General Custer attitude.

  3. What difference does it make how long town meeting discusses an article? Do you disagree with the final vote?

  4. Spoken like someone who does not have to sit through it.

  5. I did and wasn't particularly interested in the discussion but other people were so I'm glad people talked it out. Aren't you there voluntarily? Didn't you run for Town Meeting?

  6. When asked why he played in a rigged game the gambler responded, "Because it's the only game in town."

  7. Remember this? Wheelchair pedestrian who did not make it across -- with the walk light. Can they sue Town Meeting?

  8. We didn't talk anything out, as Anon 11:34 am claims. Instead Select Board members were put in the position of guaranteeing Town Meeting several times that it would have a later opportunity to strangle to death the roundabout idea in the future. And it's amazing how long all of that takes, all of which contributes to the general perception that TM takes too long for people to serve who have ordinary time commitments. The fancy term for that is "anti-democratic".

    Rich Morse

  9. Or hearing the voice of the people in town. I think Town Meeting is really the only place where town officials and committees get a wide spectrum of views. Some committees, boards and officials emerge from their quiet, hard work and seem stunned that people ask questions or just disagree when they present it on the floor of town meeting. You go to Town Meeting looking for votes and need to pursuade members to give you that vote. There is a wider spectrum of views in Town Meeting, that's it's purpose.

  10. Why does an ATM need a water pipe?

    What are they using water FOR in a building where no humans work...

  11. Dr ed will make a controversy out of Dr ed now an expert on water and ATMs?

  12. Traffic moves well through that intersection (been traveling it since July of 1988) Never witnessed any issues- no need for a roundabout!

  13. No, Dr. Ed can't figure out why they want water, although they are welcome to it.

  14. This explains the details of the roundabout and the decision to create it. Be sure, of course, to read all the way down for the color pictures and residents' comments.

  15. Sprinkler system?

  16. Three words people: open meeting law.

    Three more words: public comment period.

    Town meeting is for lazy people who don't go to the real meetings and hearings that are held. This is where the real work happens. Old cranky people like to listen to emotional appeals not Beasley in fact pretending that they are the anointed one who know better or best

    Ever been to England? All roundabouts.

  17. I have to go through that intersection every day and I'm sick to death of it. It is not efficient, and I've seen a lot of accidents there. I was skeptical when they proposed the roundabout on the north side of the campus, but I'm completely sold on it now. I go through that one every day, too, and it's a breeze. I can't understand people who oppose change of any kind, in any location, under any circumstances. Here's a scoop: change can be GOOD sometimes.

  18. " Dr. Ed said...
    Why does an ATM need a water pipe?

    What are they using water FOR in a building where no humans work..."

    Why do you care? You don't even live here. Now you want to know why Bank of America, which owns properties in Amherst and pays taxes, wants to fix a water pipe? Give me a break.

  19. "Sprinkler System?"

    In a building where the value of your ATM(s) exceeds the value of the structure, and hence the loss from an accidental discharge (including malicious) would exceed what a sprinkler system could save?

    It's a free country, they can buy one if they want to, and that includes the monthly minimum meter charge for having a water line that they don't use any water on.

    Now if they are asking to have the meter and fees waived, that's a policy decision that goes way beyond something like this, and which should be discussed...
