Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Intruder Never Rings Twice

One of the downsides of living on a party street is you have to deal with the occasional fallout induced by an alcohol haze, like a complete stranger staggering into your home as though it were his own.

 Click to enlarge/read

In Eastern Hampshire District Court yesterday Mr. Abi-Saad had criminal charges converted to civil and he paid $150 on count one and another $100 for count two. 

Probably many times more than he paid for the alcohol that made him act so stupid.


  1. I love how you use buzz words to make people afraid of college kids drinking. Grow up or get out of town

    I also know that you're probably going to block this comment from being posted you creepy old freak.

    1. Another bigger nice man-bun.

  2. Yes he is creepy and appears to be a pervert, snooping around with his drone, but he fits perfectly in Amherst. Leave him alone he is our creep!

  3. That's the biggest man-bun I've ever seen!

  4. Drunken puke-up trespassers are a hazard from a handicapped housing complex to hotel rooms to suburban-rural homes to plastered hunters killing your dogs and shooting at you-your children-why must we live in fear-this is TERRORISM ? Ever afraid to return to your car at night after dining downtown-that hurts "Business"...!!

  5. This dude is lucky he wasn't shoot!

  6. No B&E charge? Or is the trespassing charge the equivalent? I agree, he is lucky he wasn't shot or beat senseless, breaking into a strangers home??? I hope I would be as level headed as the home owner, vacate the house and call the police. Very responsible commendable response, one which I don't think I'd have been able to emulate.
