Monday, May 30, 2016

School Ban Battle Escalates

Aisha Hiza (overcoming obstacles)

It has now been 10 weeks since a stay away order was summarily imposed on Aisha Hiza after she repeatedly demanded Pelham School officials find a way to keep her young daughter safe from bullying.

Last month, after media inquiries, Superintendent Maria Geryk stated she would not release any information unless Aisha Hiza signed a release, which her attorney advised her not to do.

And thus far she has not signed such a release.

But on Friday, Amherst Regional Public School officials broke their silence on this sad affair ... and it did not take long for Aisha to respond (scroll down Scribd document for her response).

Click headline "School Ban War of Words" to go to Scribd to better read documents

Amherst Regional Public Schools Superintendent Maria Geryk


  1. A den ~full~ of vipersMay 30, 2016 at 5:45 PM


    “I became convinced that noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.”

    ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  2. Gee, 2 whole hours and Ed has not posted anything yet, I hope He's OK.

    1. Gee, it was nice to have a two-hour break from the constant complaing about him too. But you had to go and spoil it.

  3. So it goes on. Maria Geryk is not protecting anyone by this ban. Our schools have lost their sense of community and inclusiveness.

  4. Wow aisha is playing the full race card...lynching and all. Larry you seem very convinced by the parent though she seems ignorant of any tension. What did the police know about aisha's past?

    1. We want it in court because we know she will soon with no due process no access to records and the other mistakes that were made. It is taking longer than expected because she still has to work to support her daughter. Dhechas missed a ton of time this year because of all these problems at the school. She has more time now to get things settled. Your right judge is the only one who sorry this out. I can't wait.

    2. It's tough on Dhechas. Already she'll have to live her whole life spelling her first name. Bullies will bother her. The bastards.

  5. Nothing I believe. If you reread Maria Geryk's original stay away order she cited a "credible source" who I believe is a disgruntled non custodial parent (x-husband)


  6. How do you explain this, then, Larry (given how pro-cop you tend to be in terms of whose perspective to believe when push comes to shove between accused "perp" and law enforcement personnel): "With their knowledge of information not available to school staff or the public, as well as their expertise, the police determined that the safety concerns were credible and a stay away order was recommended."

    1. Does your post mean you are anti-cop?

    2. I'm sure with this news the parents of the kids at PES are happy the stay away order was put in place. I think Maria did the right thing.

    3. I think the right thing would have been fair and eaual and in the best interest if a child would have been to ban the parent that threatened A 7 year old on school property last week at PES. The fact that this want Done just add validity to Aisha's feelings that she, was mistreated due to her race.

  7. Anon 8:13 PM
    There was no formal investigation by either police department prior to the stay away order being issued by Maria Geryk on March 15th.

    Ms. Hiza did meet with Chief Livingstone and Captain Gundersen a couple weeks later but only because she wanted to know what her options were regarding the stay away order. She was never interviewed by the Pelham Chief.

    I have covered hundreds of stay away order hearings in Eastern Hampshire District Court and there has to be clear convincing threat to physical safety and even then an emergency order is only good for a week or two.

    Then both parties come into District Court and present evidence to the Judge for anything longer term. Something that has not happened in this case. Not even close.

    Hence the term "due process."

  8. Well that is why she has a lawyer...and since this is a near lynching I am sure she can get it free. So why isn't she in court yet. What did the police know about her past? Her language is so over the top I can just feel how threatening she is.

  9. Your statement, above, doesn't address the comment, "With their knowledge of information not available to school staff or the public, as well as their expertise, the police determined that the safety concerns were credible and a stay away order was recommended." The consult with the police was between the school admin and law enforcement who apparently had knowledge that was of concern based on past history. Concerns that validated present worries. This is different than stay away orders issued by a court. If the administration didn't follow the advice of police and something horrible happened, you would be all over them, Larry, and justifiably so. It sounds to me like there was a volatile situation that caused concern and led to consult with the police. That consult led to a recommendation that the school admin followed. So what should we have a problem with here?

  10. Depends who you believe.

    I think the schools overstated police involvement.

  11. "So what should we have a problem with here?"

    The problem is that the email stay away order was sent on March 15th and nothing has been done towards lifting it.

  12. I think the schools overstated police involvement.

    Then you must be surprised that the Amherst and Pelham Police Department haven't issued a statement yet, denying the story the School District told about them.

  13. Well the schools just issued that on Friday, the usual day to dump a bad news release (even more so on a holiday weekend).

  14. Well the administration has fully implicated the police so I am sure they will set the record straight.back in November it was claimed that Hiza told a Pelham school official they should watch their back. If that was only a threat to sue where is the lawsuit? Ms Hiza is perfectly happy with the ambiguity of race bating. Let's get this into court with evidence and testimony under oath. Team Hiza will never go for that.

  15. It's all very suspicious to me, as it appears that the order was placed as a silencing mechanism. First she couldn't drop off or pick up, now she can, she could/can also attend certain events at school, but no committee meetings or personal can be contacted. To me that says she is not a physical threat, but indeed a legal one.

  16. Katrina that says to me she is not a legal threat or they would back off. There is more to this least it seems to me there is more....

    1. If Ms Geryk thought she was , physical threat she wouldn't allow her near any school or school function it was all a power play.. Just like with Trevor every move has been thought through carefully every action has a purpose. Anyone know why the school committee meeting in Pelham got cancelled? Im sure that is also part of all of this.

    2. Why hasnt the last reg school committee meeting been posted yet ? I heard it was quite entertaining
      Rebecca C

  17. there are so many overlapping issues here, and yes, we the public don't have all the facts. I also don't know the degree to which Race plays a part, but as a person of color in amherst, i have been followed closely in Zanna years ago, and have been told to act my color in middle school. My point is that as a person of color, you can never know when it will become a factor, it is an ever present possibility.I do find it interesting that Two black families at PES have been served with protocols on how to behave in written form for the public to see.When this first came to my attention back in march, I was shocked at the stay away order AND the fact that a notice was sent to all the parents as well as the School staff. To me it seemed the SI was more interested in the spin publicly, and right out of the gate, than in resolving the grievances. I called a community leader and asked who could serve as a liaison or parent advocate who was not affiliated with the school. I was advised to contact the ombudsman, which i referred Aisha to do. I may be misinformed about what Aisha has a right to know in regards to the allegations against her, but It sure didn't seem like (still doesn't) anyone cared about her due process. I admire the courage she displays in not backing down in the face of the behemoth legal machine that is the district.

  18. Katrina...please elaborate on being told to act your color in middle school. That sounds shocking!

    1. Yes and be sure to tell us how many years ago that was.

  19. it was by another student of's stayed with me all these years because i never knew what they meant by it....probably cultural differences, i was raised by a white european family, so maybe mannerisms and language stood out? Adolescence at the junior high was one hell of a ride.

  20. Katrina, I'm not sure if silencing or manipulative, but it is quite clear that the intent was to force her to do something -- and while I still don't think this is racism, it's now going to be impossible for the district to prove otherwise.

    QED, Maria loses.

    Note the passive voice, it's impossible to tell exactly who did or decided what, let alone on what basis. That's the fire siren in the night -- they can't defend what they did, and reducing this to writing is like the drunk driver telling a police officer he is driving because he/she/it is to drunk to walk.

    I'd like to know why this was released, and to whom. If it was released publicly, it is libelous, the only defense Little Miss Muffet would have is truth, except that she'd have to prove it, and she'd never get access to the secret law enforcement files she can't even prove exists. Hence Maria loses.

    I can't believe a competent attorney would have let them drop this document.

    At this point, were I Aisha, I'd either file a formal complaint against both the Amherst & Pelham Police departments with the respective Boards of Selectmen, the CORI folk in Chelsea, and/or the FBI's "Color of Law" Division. This letter essentially states that the police violated CORI -- not only can you not reveal CORI protected information, but you aren't supposed to allude to it either, and/or claim it exists when it doesn't.

    We all know this is done, notwithstanding it being illegal, but to admit in writing that it has been done, well, when you admit in writing to having committed a crime, well....

    Larry, I can't believe Miss Muffett's Morons were stupid enough to write this -- it wouldn't take much ot allege a RICO conspiracy here -- or whatever the public sector of that is, you know like the Springfield Housing Authority.

    1. And unfortunately by them not being the parent the white parent that threatened a child a week and a half ago just completely proves Aishas case that she's been treated differently because of her
      Skin color

  21. " The fact that this want Done just add validity to Aisha's feelings that she, was mistreated due to her race."

    Above and beyond this, any state or federal investigator will consider it prima facia evidence of discrimination.

  22. "Gee, 2 whole hours and Ed has not posted anything yet, I hope He's OK."

    I was/am, just busy, although I thank you for your concern.

    One other thought on all of this -- if the backstory is what I think it might be, Maria Geryk may not only go down in flames herself, but take out Enku Geylae in the process, and that would not be a bad thing.

  23. Does anyone know what happened with the white parent at Pelham who threatened the little girl? The same little girl who was bullying the child of the banned parent. Was a stay away order placed on her. I keep hearing about it in the community.

    1. Must we bring skin color into everything? Isn't anyone going to turn the page? Ever?

    2. It happened but everyone's in denial that it happened no one's admitting that it happened the parent isn't banned didn't get in trouble to any of our knowledge just proves Aisha and Whitney's concerns that if a black woman gets mad they're automatically thought of as dangerous

  24. "Hiza went to school administrators last fall with concerns about bullying that she said had persisted since her daughter was in kindergarten. The bullying included derogatory comments about her hair as well as pushing and kicking by one aggressor, Hiza told The Republican.
    Geryk said administrators met multiple times with Hiza and that all "participated in collaborative problem solving" to develop action plans to respond to concerns. For nearly five months "this process appeared to be effective," Geryk said.
    But then, she wrote, Hiza stopped participating "and unilaterally abandoned the action and communication plans that had been previously agreed upon. In addition, school and district administrators saw behaviors which raised safety and security concerns."

    Who wouldn't be angry- Five months of planning- without anything being done to address the bullying?

    1. Couldn't the kid identify the alleged bully? What other issue matters?

    2. Yes the issue is it continues honestly I think Ms Hiza is so upset with the school at this point that there is nothing they can do that will be good enough. She is so hurt and frustrated that it will never be resolved. She will never be happy and every incident will end up a big deal. I do think she was treated unjustly but I also believe she will never be satisfied due to how she feels.

  25. 6:06 if you're asking me, it was '83/'84

  26. Larry,
    Your evenhanded and honorable efforts in defense of the Constitution, police and people of color (this time a single African American mother and child being bullied and intimidated by an all-powerful school superintendent), gives me some hope in these hopeless times! Thanks.

    1. Even handed? Honorable? Are you kidding me!

  27. You're welcome.

    I learned from the best (Howard Ziff).

  28. I grew up in Amherst, graduated from the high school. It is micro-agressions, it is institutional racism. It is quiet. It is not loud, but it is something that students and POC experience every day. Amherst has always been in denial that racism exsists in this town. Well it does in more ways that you can imagine. And just like Ms. Gardener Amherst will try to sweep thie even under the rug. I think Amherst needs to admit that there is a problem and seek advice.

    1. It exists everywhere. Even among those who use the term 'micro-aggression.'

  29. "if the backstory is what I think it might be, Maria Geryk may not only go down in flames herself, but take out Enku Geylae in the process"

    Yes, Ed -- every person who has ever hurt your delicate feelings is connected by one giant conspiracy. Take one down, and the whole thing collapses like a house of cards.

    Have you ever been diagnosed with querulous paranoia?

  30. Bingo! 10:02, you must be a professional. It's spot on.

  31. Ed is very busy...he has a lot of other stops to make on the internet...just like santa...

    1. And again and again with the complaints about Ed. Your right, of course. But it's much more annoying to us readers than to Ed himself.

    2. Probably not as annoying as his spreading misinformation and half truths is to all of us, 3:07.

  32. I don't know what happened and have no real way to find out. I don't know another parent threatened a child or that they went unpunished. There is much claimed by many and when the dust settles much of it will be shown untrue. I can't believe anything an anon asserts for obvious reasons.I shall remain an anon because there are a lot of nuts around.

  33. Larry - How do we know that what you posted is the full statement from the district? Why do I get the sense that there may be some control of the message being posted on your blog?

  34. According to you Larry:
    "I have covered hundreds of stay away order hearings in Eastern Hampshire District Court and there has to be clear convincing threat to physical safety and even then an emergency order is only good for a week or two. Then both parties come into District Court and present evidence to the Judge for anything longer term. Something that has not happened in this case. Not even close. Hence the term "due process."

    Problem is that perhaps you missed school committee last week (and never read the applicable court case) when it was made clear that a "stay away" order from the school has nothing to do with the courts. Why are you perpetuating inaccuracies? Is it to avoid saying, you may have been wrong? Own it.

    1. Thats what Vermont used to think too the ACLU disagrees in that there has to be due process when your referring to a child and a parent. There has to be an appeal process ,there has to be a time frame. Feel free to research it cyr Vermont ACLU

    2. Aclu bunch of commies. Lol. Especially the Vermont chapter.

  35. Maria's statement @ Mass Live seems to differ than the rough draft Larry was privy to!

  36. Larry, your source for the superintendent's statement left off the entire last paragraph. You may want to go to Masslive and reprint the statement on your site. It talks about not wanting to diminish the parent's voice or experience, but rather to give the community more information and to learn about the efforts the district made in this situation.

  37. I think the Superintendent statement was revised today- Masslive updated the article this afternoon.

  38. If Patty Bode was announced as the Interim Principal at the Middle School on May 17th
    Why is there a Middle School Interim Principal posting with the date of May 24th?

  39. The superintendent's statement was not revised today. Larry intentionally printed only a portion of the statement on Scribd, which out of context misrepresents the district's purpose for releasing it, the reason for which is explained in the full statement.

  40. I think it's a good idea to do what the cops recommend in matters of public safety. I'd be concerned if district administrators were found to have ignored two police departments' recommendations in this matter, I'd wonder whether departments are cooperating effectively.

  41. Maybe. But that was ten weeks ago.

    Do you really believe she is currently a threat to public safety?

  42. I stopped believing she was a danger when she had permission to attend the black scholars rising if they believe she was a danger they never would have said she could go.

  43. Then you must be surprised that the Amherst and Pelham Police Department haven't issued a statement yet, denying the story the School District told about them.

    I'm not.

    They really can;t, no matter how p*ssed they may be, it's not only unprofessional but, well, does anyone remember the infamous rape hoax hysteria of 1999-2000?

    Police couldn't say that was bullshite either.


  44. Looks like another lottery winner in good ole small college town Amherst. If you want to play just enroll in the education system, use the race card and play away. The liberals will gladly hand over their tax money out of sheer guilt. Which they have an abundance of and Larry loves paying the taxes so the money will always be there.

  45. ""if the backstory is what I think it might be, Maria Geryk may not only go down in flames herself, but take out Enku Geylae in the process"

    Kinda like how a controversy involving police practices in Arizona (_Miranda v. Arizona_) affected police practices in Massachusetts.

    Accusing Aisha Hiza of being a threat to public safety is like accusing the Governor's wife of witchcraft, the latter being what ended the infamous Salem (actually Danvers) Witch Hysteria of 1691-2.

    Forget "currently" Larry, I don't think she ever was a threat to public safety.
    And Maria Geryk going down in flames, possibly facing criminal charges, well might have an impact on the careers of others doing the exact same sort of thing. Which Enku is.

    Does schadenfreude constitute a diagnostic characteristic of querulous paranoia?

    Larry, do you think the schmuck is even bright enough to comprehend what I am really saying (not asking) in the above question? (I don't.....)

  46. Aaah, there it is. I just don't feel complete until Dr. Ed invokes the Salem Witch Trials.

  47. 10:11 pm May 31, 2016
    Two police departments are cooperating with each other because they are white supremacy ruled, as is the school and all of its departments. End of story.

    1. Really, now that sounds racist!

    2. The word is flung around so often it's lost its meaning. Also, when you think about it, we all like our race best. I guess I'm a proud racist, then. I accept it. Hell, I like it.

  48. No, this is more manipulated mass hysteria (and spineless police) than anything else.

    Yes, cowardly cops who are unable/unwilling to stand up for what they know is right, who lack the courage to tell Maria she's full of shite.

  49. Sorry Ed, but this is more white supremacy. This is exactly the ruling upper white class in action--"You Black peoples of Amherst, MA, and the greater area--hush your little mouths--find your little places amongst our cozy elite, white privileged, community and stay quiet there. Don't dare venture out too far--or speak too loud--because we will and we can, and we have, sicked our armed forces, aka as the Amherst and Pelham Police Departments, on you. Wake the **** up! How much in your face can a situation get!? A white mother accosted a child on the grounds of Pelham Elementary School--no ban--nothing--nada. This is a fact Jack! This is apartheid. You can call it manipulation, hysteria, cowardly, and spineless (and yes it is all of those too) but racism by any other name is racism.

  50. Anon 3:46...white people don't say "peoples".

    1. Of course they do. For God's sake read a book.

  51. The truth will set everyone free. All parties..should release all records school committee records execitive session records school records everything.. then we will all see the truth whatever it is.

  52. "Sorry Ed, but this is more white supremacy"

    No it isn't --I've seen Enku Gelaye do the exact same thing, and she was born in Somalia, which sorta means, ummm....

    For that matter, the _UMass Collegian_ essentially documented it being done to a White male undergrad, which sorta negates the "White Supremacy" aspect of this.

    No, Lord Byron put it best -- "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."


  53. Mr ed,

    You demonstrate yet again what an idiot you are :

    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

    - John Dalberg-Acton

    NOT LORD BYRON. Dumbass.

    Let this be an example to anyone who, for one second, makes the mistake of thinking that Mr. ed knows anything real....

  54. Lord Byron put it best -- "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    Really, Mister Ed? Lord Byron? Gee, I can't imagine why it took you 20+ years to complete a doctoral program...

  55. Acton, Byron, Caligula, whatever -- someone rather famous and quite dead once said it.
    I got the quote right, didn't I? And I knew/know it was Lord Acton, my mistake.

    But whatever -- is my point about Caligula Geryk not true?

    And what isn't true, and hence libelous, is the "20+ years to complete a doctoral program", but I digress.

  56. Oh, no! Mr. Ed's gonna sue me -- again! He's gonna subpoena my IP address and haul my ass into court, just like all the times he's followed through on his toothless threats in the past!

    Oh, wait... Do I hear the sound of Mr. Ed gumming his food?

  57. No Doctor Ed can't be bothered with a schmuck like you -- I just wanted to call you on your lie.

    1. What lie ed? They were just calling YOU out on your idiocy and mental health/reality issues
