Saturday, May 14, 2016

Pelham School Battle Escalates

Aisha Hiza and her darling daughter

Call it intuition developed over 40 years of martial arts training, or maybe just my Irish gut, but I find it hard to believe Aisha Hiza, a once proud graduate of the venerable Amherst Regional Public School system, represents a physical threat to anyone in that system.

But this issue of a rashly implemented stay away order IS a threat to the system, because it flies in the face of one of the highly valued goals of ARPS:  Social justice.

 Maria Geryk was appointed Amherst Regional Public Schools  Superintendent in 2011

Where's Calvin Terrell when we need him?

Pelham School Committee just before going into executive session May 5th.  Attorney Tom Colomb 3rd from right


  1. In other words, you don't know any facts. Why not wait for the facts to come out?

  2. Because at this rate they may NEVER come out.

    1. All the facts would come out if Aisha signed a waiver. She doesn't want all the facts to be known. Seems pretty clear to me.

  3. Larry, I will tell you what happened: Someone, Maria and/or Minions, exercised some very bad judgement and (much like Richard Nixon) exacerbated the situation by attempting to cover it all up. And now, instead of simply admitting they made a mistake, apologizing for it, and attempting to "fix" things, they instead have taken a "scorched earth" approach.

    They seek to destroy Aisha Hiza rather than have to apologize to her. Their GOAL is for the facts to never come out, which is why Aisha ought to file an OCR complaint.

    I also think it is time for some very serious questions to be asked about Maria's judgement and temperament. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.

  4. Why "social" ? Why is that different from plain, old fashioned justice. Am I the only one sick of the SJ term?

  5. OCR complaint form:

    And the nice thing isn't just that Team Maria's failure to meet OCR-mandated anti-bullying protocols will come out, but that Maria will have to prove that this isn't racism, even if it isn't, Maria will have to name a parent of a White 1st Grader whom she's trespassed.

    And Maria can neither hide behind lawyers or asinine lawyers when dealing with OCR.

  6. And as the documents on/about Aisha relate to her being the parent, FERPA applies.

    And as to the "as you are aware", that's grounds for disbarment.
    How is she supposed to know -- has the MINUTES of the Exec Session been publicly released yet?

  7. No.

    Executive Session minutes must be approved in another Executive Session before being released, and neither the Pelham or Regional School Committees have had a follow up meeting.

    1. Maybe the Reg school committee aporoved them in the ling exec session they had Wed

  8. So, in other words, he's admitting that his client violated the law...

    AND he released the content of the minutes before they were released....

  9. Why does someone who resides in Chicopee have a child in the Amherst school system? Did I misread her adress?

  10. Replies
    1. I love how my tax money is spent in this town. I don't even have kids in the schools but I pay for Chicopee kids. It just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait for the lawsuit on this issue.

    2. She still owns property in town and chicopee is passing for school choice as well

    3. ND IF WE DIDN'T HAVE SCHOOL CHOICE OUR already outrageous taxes would be hire the school can't support itself without school choice

    4. Sorry again higher.. typing on my phone ..

  11. You have not chosen wisely.

  12. can we know what the 'restorative process' required for Ms Hiza to go through before the order is rescinded? Is Ms Geryk the only individual that can revoke the order?

    1. It does seem that way that is the only one besides court of law

  13. I'm assuming that the "restorative" in restorative process simply refers to restoring Ms Hiza's access to school property, etc and nothing to do with the systematic application of "restorative" justice that has replaced our school's discipline policy (and has failed miserably).

    1. I know they want her to attend meetings with specific personnel from Pelham school and Chestnut St. This process should hAve happened a yesr ago before this all happened. Aisha tried to have reg meetings and several were cancelled back to back months in a row.

  14. Lots of working mothers prefer to have their child in a school close to where they work, particularly if they (a) grew up in that community and (b) have friends in that town.

    Thing about school choice law is that while you don't hsave to have it, you must treat child/family of those you tak as being residents -- all 13 years.

  15. Geryk is the one who is dangerous....

  16. Actually, if you are an Amherst resident, the only thing you are going to pay for are the civil rights violations committed by the Supt you share with Pelham.

    "School Choice" is the only reason why Pelham still has an Elementary School. Thet only have one teacher/classroom per grade -- you can't have less than that -- and the only way it's affordable (to the Pelham taxpayers) is because of the $5K they are getting from the sending districts (i.e. Chicopee) for the "choice" children.

    Remember that their costs are fixed, like the costs to fly an airplane somewhere, what they are doing is selling the empty seats in their classroom and using that revenue to offset their costs -- much like the airlines offer last-minute bargains to fill seats that would otherwise be empty.

    Bottom line, the Town of Pelham doesn't have enough children to sustain an Elementary school -- School Choice is the only thin that allows it to still have one...

  17. GYERK GOTTA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Barry Goldwater spoke with Nixon twice about Watergate.

    The first time, he told Nixon to "ask the networks for an hour of TV time" (there were only 3 back then) "and tell everyone what the hell happened."

    And the second time, just before the resignation, was when he told Nixon that he was no longer sustainable.

    Tkis is what Team Maria is doing now -- she could have explained & apologized, but no -- and now she needs to be removed.

    Indict her!

  19. Omg. You all have lost your minds.

  20. No, Maria has lost hers....

  21. As a tax payer & a parent I have to share more details of my experiences with the current principal and how I feel about this situation.I had 2 graduate from Pelham and 1 from ARHS. We decided not to send my next child to ARHS after the treatment my first recieved from a teacher, after requesting multiple meetings we were ignored by the current admin. The final straw with the math teacher was the grade on the final portfolio rec a C. The partner rec an A-. The pages were identical. I addressed to the math chair, brought in both portfolios nothing. That compounded by the fact the wouldn't let XXXX retake trimester exams after they were taken during an undiagnosed medical situation. We actually found out the day after exams They also were unable to provide the proper diet for the illness. AGAIN Waiting on the admin for help. We were frustrated with the ARPS.I DECIDED TO RUN away and sent my middle child to Smith Voc. AT The ARMS no one was following the IEP. We started looking to move so my youngest XXXX wouldn't have to attend ARHS. We had 2 years hassle free, completely supportive educational experience at Smith. I didn't want to go through the drama, and apathy this admin portrays again. Unfortunately our house didn't sell. So here we are Even more unfortunate was all the problems I was noticing in Pelham. There were never any of these problems before. Do I think Aisha overreacted sometimes Then I think back to what I went through with my TWO Older children and I then I imagine it lasting 18 months. Then I realize NO I don't think Aisha overreacted. I would have never kept my cool as long as she did or give ARPS as many chances as she did. I am disgusted that the SI has put our town in this situation possibly effecting our school choice numbers. The bullying across all grades is the biggest issue.. my youngest was bullied by the same child but not to the extent that many of the kids were I can name them there at least 9 children in this class that have bullied. One kid getting their hand smashed with a rock. One family is pulling their child after this yr. The last thing we can afford is paying out school choice money.
    Lisa's is nice but her inability to address the problems is obvious. Lisa thinks getting back to a parent whenever is good enough. IT IS NOT UNCOMMON TO WAIT OVER 2 weeks for a response. I am frustrated that there was no apparent communication with our town selectman or the pelham Sc before placing this stay away order.
    It saddens me Aisha had all avenues of help cut off from her without due process. if she did something that bad have the police investigate the threat. But to deny a parent access to their young child is not ok. Im disaapointed that there is even a question that what has happened isnt Wrong. Im very concerned that the SI refuses to be transparent and share the records with Aisha's lawyer and Aisha or and why they wont tell her the exact reason why she was banned or put a deadline on it ending.
    This is unhealthy all the kid. They know its happening. Aren't we furthering the 7 year olds victimization ? Not just Aisha's daughter every child that has been bullied thinking if my parent steps up for me they may not be able to come to school anymore?I think how easily this may have been any one of us parents that stepped up to say enough. Do your job guide these kids teach them that hurting each other physically or emotionally is wrong. Restore my faith in the system that we still care enough to do the right thing. Please show people that Pelham isnt what the SI actions have portrayed us to be Racist Bulliers, Apathetic and not for the children.
    This conduct by Maria Is a regional issue. After the story about Trevor Baptiste came out I drew one conclusion.. Bullying is the culture at the top.. It's been seen over and over during the past 7 years. Until that changes we will continue to see it through all schools in the district at all levels from principals to the KINDERGARTENS


  23. Today is May 15th- Aisha received the email notice of the stay away order two months ago on March 15th.

    Too many people at Central involved (Maria, Faye, Marta) Someone needs to take the lead and resolve it!

  24. Maria will be forced out. An expensive search will bring a superintendent that has even higher pay. That superintendent will leave after a year. Rinse and repeat.

  25. Breaking News: Trevor Baptiste and his family put their house in Pelham up for sale this weekend, they are bugging out, I think they are putting their kid into the Springfield schools, I assume this is the result of the racism their child has been subjected to for the last five years of elementary school in Pelham, that Whitney so eloquently spoke to.

    1. We may be following Trevors lead.. Then again we may school choice or think about charter school.

    2. People in glass houses shouldn't throw charges of racism.

  26. This is awful, and I think you've contributed to it, Larry. She was not my first choice for Superintendent, but this waterfall of hate is completely ridiculous. It makes me worry about the future of the Town, especially about who wants to come here.

    Rich Morse

    1. Rich I agree. With the parents options she had no choice but to outreach to the media. How would you have handled the situation if it were you ?
      Rebecca C

    2. It's not just the town. It's the whole country.

  27. Some people run, some people whimper away, others just keep getting stronger. If there's one thing you can say for sure, Geryk has got resiliency and staying power. Add to that an uncanny ability to block out this town's complete lack of social etiquette, and to laser beam on her job and the kids and herself. Maria is stronger and more focused than ever and that's hard for some to take, or even understand how it could have happened, considering all the effort some have put into taking her down for the last 13 years.

    By the way, the state has asked Maria to give a presentation this week in Boston on the district's equity work, including the overwhelming success of the Family Center, someone should go record that and then report to us on it, it's about our tax dollars at work after all.

    1. Thats because we Amherst Reg is really good at hidung the problems even from our own police department. They always have been.. As long as I can remember.

    2. Social etiquette? Define please.

  28. about who wants to come here

    Anyone with a young family should steer far clear of serving in any public capacity, especially while living in, this town.

    Would that be fair to say?

  29. anon@8:08, curious, how do you measure the success of the Family Center? What is quantified? Is it the number of parents/guardians that go there? Increased measure of success (how is that measured?) of their children?

    If its about "it's about our tax dollars at work after all" I'd like to know the answers to these questions. Is there any data offered somewhere on the ARPS website or do we have to watch (somehow) Ms Geryk's presentation in Boston?

  30. "Some people run, some people whimper away, others just keep getting stronger. If there's one thing you can say for sure, Geryk has got resiliency and staying power."

    Bullies often do.

    "Add to that an uncanny ability to block out this town's complete lack of social etiquette, and to laser beam on her job and the kids and herself."

    Sounds like you are describing a psychopath...

    "Maria is stronger and more focused than ever and that's hard for some to take, or even understand how it could have happened, considering all the effort some have put into taking her down for the last 13 years."

    And are the schools better off now than they were 13 years ago?

    Before now, I only wanted her to do things "by the book", to actually get the assorted pieces of paper that she really ought to have (and promised to get), to treat students & parents fairly, to actually "walk the walk" on this Social Justice stuff.

    But now things have reached critical mass -- Team Maria need to go!

    "By the way, the state has asked Maria to give a presentation this week in Boston"


    I have been asked to give presentations in Boston, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. It's part of the "scholarship by the pound" problem.

    "on the district's equity work,"

    As in bullying the only two Black children in the First Grade (whole school?) out of the almost-all-White Pelham school? Folks, how do you think this looks?

    "including the overwhelming success of the Family Center"

    "Success" defined how?

    Are the schools safer now than they were in 2003?

    "someone should go record that and then report to us on it, it's about our tax dollars at work after all."

    Yes Aisha, you ought to take a personal day & go. Maria can't ban you from Boston, this is your chance to ask her everything she ought to be asked about "equity."

    A parent taking time off from work & driving in would be noticed.

  31. "Anyone with a young family should steer far clear of serving in any public capacity, especially while living in, this town."

    I'll go further -- anyone with children in the schools should steer far clear of any involvement with the schools and/or advocacy for either education in general or their children in particular.

    Long term, that will destroy the schools worse than Team Maria ever could.

  32. Is there any data offered somewhere on the ARPS website or do we have to watch (somehow) Ms Geryk's presentation in Boston?

    That's how I feel about the APD's anti-terrorism efforts. Where's the data around how that's going? APD devotes a large portion of their website to their philosophy on fighting terrorism, but no report or any data anywhere I can find on how they are doing. I wish Livingstone would give a presentation on that sometime.

  33. Didn't we get enough of the social justice bullshit with that Calvin guy, the phoney? Hey, a mother is out of control and steps are taken to prevent her from being out of control. Oh, she's black. Right away it MUST be racial. How about it's just another angry black mother who feels entitled in a world where things don't always go your way so instead of dealing with it, she gets all out of control. Could have been a white mother too. Who cares. Stop making life about color and who deserves what. We should all be treated equal. A crazy mother is a crazy mother. Give me a break. Maria Geryk has every right to keep this loon away. Oh, the pretty picture of a mom and her daughter. I could take anything out of context too. That photo doesn't show anything but a moment in time, just as this does.

    1. Shes not out of control. When the federal court decides this case and all the facts are out everyone will see the truth. Mom had witnesses at all meetings except one. How far would you go to protect your child? Only parents with children truly understand how frustrating it is to have to leave you daughter with adults that are unable to keep her safe .. Do I smell 51a against the school .. Maybe we will see what Aisha's lawyer says

  34. Actually I was being sarcastic about that "Calvin guy."

    Although obviously your brand of sarcasm differs from mine.

  35. A Family Center no one visits
    A Specialist (and an Initiative) to help with communication that remains silent
    A tv program to tell us about town services we already knew about

    I'll go to Boston and tell the truth.

  36. Just went to the ARPS website to look at meeting minutes and found that none have been posted for the entire last year. What's with that? Why is it so hard to get any real info? I did find the Amherst together report that everyone should look at for its meaninglessness (and really bad font choice)

  37. A crazy mother is a crazy mother.
    And a crazy superintendent is a crazy superintendent.

    Are we supposed to believe that EVERYONE who has problems with Maria & Minions is mentally ill -- is it not more statistically likely that the mental illness is amongst Maria & Minions?

    After all, wasn't there a respected business manager who suddenly left for unexplained reasons? And God knows how many principals & teachers. That tells me that something is wrong in the central admin....

    Give me a break. Maria Geryk has every right to keep this loon away.


    I'm starting to understand what is really going on here, and it's right out of the Soviet Union. Anyone who says anything unapproved is declared insane.

    I so hope Aisha files a racism complaint because Maria is toast either way -- either she can show she treats White parents this badly (and can thus show a pattern of behavior) or she can't/won't which is a presumptive finding of racism.

    That photo doesn't show anything but a moment in time, just as this does.

    Not only does that image appear to have been Photoshopped (poorly, I might add), not only are historians in agreement that Hitler had no children, particularly during the Nazi era, but many believe it would have been biologically impossible for him to have children.

    Hence, instead of using any of hundreds of quite disturbing real images to make your point, you used a fake one. Par for the course, Team Maria.

  38. I am on the ARPS website now and the minutes of the Amherst and Regional SC thru March are there as well as the Pelham minutes thru April. What you won't find on the ARPS website are minutes from the equity task force.

  39. anon@ 1:45
    only thru May 2015

    if there is another place please share the link

  40. Ed, you don't live here. This is none of your business.

    1. You don't have to live here to be entertained by this fun blog. Nor is there any restriction on who may comment here. Keep up the fun posts one and all.

  41. "the overwhelming success of the Family Center"
    The webpage and the Facebook page for the ARPS Family Center do not present signs of an active and successful venture!

  42. A birdy told me they suspect Maria hopes the Pelham school goes under so we join Amherst and then they can move the kids to Amherst and make pelham the alternative school

  43. Obviously this parent was such a constant pain-in-the-as that no one could deal with her anymore. What if your whole day were taken up with someone constantly bombarding you? I don't know any of the facts and I am just guessing. You all make Maria out to be the biggest threat since stalin.

    1. After 18 months of asking for help and not getting any she needed to become a pain

  44. anon@8:08, can you give us more info on 'the state has asked Maria to give a presentation this week in Boston'. Exactly who is the 'state' and what is the venue?


  45. Here are this year's Amherst school committee minutes:

    Here are this year's Regional SC minutes:

    Here are this year's Pelham SC minutes:

    I'm sorry you can't beat up Ms. Geryk and the SC about missing minutes any more. Guess you'll need to find something else to be furious about.

    BTW, my understanding is the the Family Center serves many, many families in Amherst very,very well. Just because someone here, who doesn't know a thing about what the Family Center does, says that it's doing nothing doesn't make it so. Just like someone saying there are no SC minutes posted on the web page for this year doesn't make it so.

    Don't believe everything you read on this blog....I am willing to bet much of it is utter nonsense not backed up by fact.

    1. I am referring to the ARPS Family Center here.

  46. "Ed, you don't live here. This is none of your business."

    Give me what I want and I'll go away -- not until.

    And it very much IS my business, much like "Jim Crow: was the business of those who didn't live in the South.

    And make sure to include Geryk in any 51As...

  47. But eD you never say what you want

  48. Maria's presentation must be very impressive because NO ONE I KNOW HAS HEARD OF IT!

  49. Actually Anon 7:24, I seen to remember a walkout the day Nixon expanded the war into Cambodia.

  50. Ed, come on admit it, you don't want anything. You are never going away. You have no life.

  51. Why doesn't the mom just sign the damn waiver? Anyone with two brain cells can see that she is bullying the district. If she has nothing to hide, sign the waiver and the whole story will be public. Not just her side- we will see if the administration has what was necessary to file the stay away order. This is such a loaded blown out of proportion tactic to tear down any last piece of credibility the district has and it is now unhealthy. We can all draw out our conclusions then but the Mom is not letting the public have that information. That is not right- there is always two sides to every story. She is hiding.... wait until the tables are reversed

    And if there is true basis for bullying (which I am not saying yay or nay) but I pray to god that Mom follows through with the correct procedures to file a formal complaint and move forward. Stop threatening and just do it.

    1. She is ahe has already file with Dese . Her lawyer is working on disposition letters and I hope the 51a. AS WELL.AS WHATEVER ELSE HE NEEDS TO DO. She has opened a,case with the ACLU. She isn't just talking..

    2. AlL SHE HAS,ASKED IS TO LOOK AT THEM AND HE TOLD why she was, banned. There is a very good chance they aren't accurate. There is no trust vetween admin and this parent. Remember AISHA HAS NOTHING TO LOSE she cant be fired over this . Im sure the records are not factual im sue they paint a terrible awful picture. isha has had witnesses there every meeting but one. THE witness is her ex who has alternative motives.. And ge has a past and issues. If Aisha is so dangerous why did the SI agree to b let her attend chains and drop off and pick up .. The SI is just trying to torture her. Because she had the stones to stand her ground.

  52. The Amherst Family Center has been around for decades and is quite successful in assisting families with young children in town.

    The ARPS Family Center is part of the schools. It duplicates services /events already offered to families. It is not well attended.

    1. The ARPS Family Center has a different service and serves a different clientele.

  53. You know what Ed wants? Respect. Unfortunately for "Doctor" Ed, in the immortal words of another anonymous commenter, if he wants to be treated like a professional, he has to act like one. And clearly he hasn't the faintest idea how to do that -- nor does he understand the difference between attention and respect. If he did, he wouldn't be whining over and over again, year after year after year, that no one will give him what he wants. So we're stuck with Ed until the sand runs out on him.

  54. Why doesn't the mom just sign the damn waiver?

    Could it possibly have something to do with what it says?

    The fact that Princess Maria is hiding behind what is almost certainly an unconscionable ultimatum is why I believe that removing Geryk by any (legal) means necessary is now appropriate. And that includes PSYCHOP.

    I think it is time for those rumors as to how she got hired as Asst Supt to be publicly discussed.

    After all, why shouldn't Princess Maria wave any scintilla of personal privacy as well?

  55. "A birdy told me they suspect Maria hopes the Pelham school goes under so we join Amherst and then they can move the kids to Amherst and make pelham the alternative school."

    That would explain her hiring a Principal whose background is in Mental Health & SPED rather than Classroom Teaching....

    This would all be consistent with Princess Maria's asinine concept of a MegaSkool (TM)* and an uber-expensive Pre-K (Pre-Pre-K?) program that she's not even telling anyone the costs of yet.

    Now the wild card is that the building belongs to the Town of Pelham -- and as it was built in the mid 1990's (with significant cost overruns somehow relating to that having been the main road in the early 1800s), I doubt the bonds are fully paid off yet. Not sure..

    But I have no doubt that Maria would love to do this...

    *The term "MegaSkool" is TM The Short Lobster Company

  56. Are we better off than we were 13 years ago?

  57. Would this be related to why Maria's going to Boston?

    We gotta give her credit for one thing: our taxes are a hrll of a lot higher than they were 13 years ago....

  58. Actually, technically, I think that DESE would be required to file a 51A.

  59. Could someone list the specific accomplishments and improvements in student performance of the past 5 years? I hear a lot about new programs but not about results.

  60. "You know what Ed wants? Respect."


    I want "never again" -- I could care less what institutions and people for whom I have no respect think of me, I merely want no one else to be subjected to the abuse & bullying that I was. I want people in positions of public trust to actually obey the law -- or be held accountable when they don't.

    "Unfortunately for "Doctor" Ed,"

    Look, if I have to recognize the marriage license issued to two women, or that a biological woman is now a man because his/her/its driver's license says so, then you have to recognize the "Dr." -- the same Commonwealth that, in its infinite wisdom, decreed the former also decreed the latter.

    "...if he wants to be treated like a professional, he has to act like one. And clearly he hasn't the faintest idea how to do that..."

    Oh, I know how to be ethically flexible and totally immoral -- I choose not to be. Like Dr. King, I choose to stand for that which is right rather than that which is popular. Like his namesake, "...I can stand nowhere else."

    And much as Martin Luther hoped that the (then quite corrupt) Catholic Church would merely listen to him and clean up its act, I'm hoping. Hoping but neither expecting nor ....

  61. The facts will come out if Hiza sues Geryk and I hope she does.

    1. In process.. Great local pro bono attorney well versed in the ways of this administration

  62. They laughed at me and condemned my words when I was the first to come out and say this woman was going to be a disaster to the Amherst school system. Nothing's changed. She's an unmitigated disaster who has divided and destroyed the fabric of standards and quality education in Amherst. And now she wants to look into why so many students have left for charter schools. She only needs a mirror to do that. People like her are great at fooling the system and moving on to bigger and better roles. She won't be here much longer folks. And then you better choose the next person wisely as there is a lot of fixing that needs to go on. A simple slogan would help a great deal in this town - children first.

    1. There won't be many Superintendent candidates to choose from. No one in their right mind would touch this job with a 10 foot pole.

  63. Walter, no one else (in this country at least) wants her.

    She might be able to BS her way into some International Ed gig, but Amherst is the only place where she could be a Superintendent. For starters, she ain't got a doctorate.

    She's a product of the worst parts of UMass -- anywhere but Amherst, she'd never pass the "straight face test" -- I still can't figure out how she got her Supt's Certificate.

  64. You'd be surprised -- and it would be like coming in after Tom Aceto at North Adams State, or when Gargano left UMass -- EVERYONE happy to see you because of who you aren't.

  65. LOL. I'd thought Ed had reached the limits of his grandiosity, but I guess I was wrong. Now he's just like MLK (who was equally well known for yelling stuff like "That bitch has gotta go!" in public).

    And no, I don't have to recognize the "Dr." Nor does anyone else, if they choose not to. What's Mr. Ed going to do about it?

  66. Did someone say there was a way to see this blog without seeing Mr. ed's comments?

    I just about can't deal anymore, even with scrolling past his asininely wrong and self aggrandizing idiocy.

    Hellllllppppppp mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee.............

  67. Now we know a little about eds one recognizes his I guess he is in the same boat as maria.....

  68. Listen, people, let's go easy on poor Dr. Ed. The best way to understand Dr. Ed's position is to put yourself in his shoes. Now, he's gone to all the trouble to get an advanced degree. This alone makes him smarter than your average bear. And not only that, he held a position of authority and respect at one of the country's great universities. (Never mind that his narcissistic and abrasive character led to his dismissal - it also requires that others be blamed). Together with the doctorate, this makes Ed's opinions and positions beyond reproach. It also gives him the wisdom and knowledge to pronounce judgment on any individual or entity that does not meet his pristine ethical requirements. Dr. Ed has chosen this blog as the best place to accomplish all those things. It's pretty easy for Dr. Ed to maintain anonymity due to this blog's very high journalistic standards - Larry will never disclose a source (I believe he would go to jail first). So it's a great place to bully others in retribution for his own perceived slights over the years. He's like an amoeba in a petri dish - it can eat all the agar but will always be stuck in the dish. Eventually to be tossed into a biohazard bag and removed by a hazmat service. Well, maybe not that last part but you get the idea.

    Cue the middle-school sexual insults and self-centered rhetoric . . .

  69. The "Dr." has stated on here long ago that his name is Ed Cutting. A quick google search will show you how much time he wastes commenting online. You might even find a video or two of him speaking. Have fun with that.

  70. So, Walter-- you're concerned about people being divisive?

  71. "Dismissed" my ass -- I GRADUATED with the purgatorial cesspool's highest and most prized (by it) degree. To write anything else is libelous.

    So either the degrees issued by UMass aren't worth the paper they are printed on and the Commonwealth ought to shut the place down, or.....

    I made the mistake of attempting to be reasonable and explaining my position -- I won't make that mistake again.

    I also caution the CANs that you aren't anonymous, and it'd really suck to be dragged in for depositions, and you'd have to hire a lawyer at your own expense...

    Sorry Larry, Amherst Delenda Est! And it will be -- I won't even have to help, what do you schmucks think will happen when student loans go back to double-digit interest rares????

    Geyrk's gotta go, and at this point, I neither care about her or her family, nor the harm caused by her expedited departure.

  72. Aisha, let me know when the US Attorney is looking for dirt on these schmucks...

  73. "What's Mr. Ed going to do about it?"

    Encourage all her critics to call Miss Geyrk "Miss Geryk, and to use the pronoun "girl" in reference to her. I assure you that it will offend her far more.

    Hey, if all civility is gone, what's the problem?

  74. So Nina, -- you're concerned about teachers being competent?

  75. Jackie, this is like sinking the Bismark -- Maria needs to go, and at this point, it really doesn't matter how.

    What she did to Aisha was wrong, I don't think it was racism but it is still wrong and if calling it racism will get Aisha justice, I can live with that.

  76. Aisha Hiza wrote the following, that many people agree with:

    "There are serious problems in the Amherst school system that are being ignored and it all starts with Maria Geryk."

    1. I don't agree with this statement. When is Ms. Hiza going to sign the waiver so we all know the truth.

    2. As soon as,Ms Geryk allows ms hizas lawyer to look at the documents.. First although I suspect there will be a court order soon

  77. "so we all know the truth."

    The actual situation is that Maria will not tell Aisha- Maria needs to disclose more than " information from credible sources" (or whatever the stay away order said) The stay away order should have listed specifics (for Aisha- not for us)

    Aisha has not been given any information and has not been given any opportunity to discuss/ resolve the issue.

    We all don't need to know!

  78. It was said that Ms. Hiza is afraid that what Geryk releases wont be truthful.
    So, if it isn't truthful wouldn't it be best to air it and fight it publicly to show Geryk is wrong/lying? Something doesn't add up.
    Who's her lawyer?

  79. That's for her to share.

  80. Part 1

    Questions asked since March 18th with no answers still from admin at Chestnut street...

    Ms. G,
    In writing I would like the following
    1. The reason why you are denying my request to have a pelham staff member meet me at the Pelham police station to walk my child into school. Considering the situation it makes complete sense for both sides.
    2. I want in in writing saying the events the you so generously are allowing me to attend and why.
    3. Why your administration believes that school of choice kids are not as important as other students as you stated through your comments in our phone conversation.
    4. Why your administration sees it legal to only inform my ex husband of things pertaining to our child but not me
    5. How your administration has tried to solve the situation. What I mean by that is that the superintendent sent out an email to Pelham staff and parents stating that your office had addressed the issues.
    6. What is the appeal process since we can not come to an agreement on restorative circle.
    I stated that the only way I would do it is if the stay away order is lifted, that all the right people are involved and the fact I will not use the communication plan that does not work.
    Thank you,
    Aisha M Hiza

  81. Part 3
    *Aisha M. Hiza has been meeting with Mr. P W, Ombudsman for the Amherst School Districts.

    *Aisha will not meet with administration until they lift this unjust stay-away-order.

    *Aisha will not release their 'secret documents' to the public simply because they have denied these very same documents to be accessed by Aisha. She has a right to see them first.

    *The stay-away-order is not only unconstitutional, but inhumane and quite tragic for Aisha and her family to be forced to suffer unnecessary emotional and physical stress and pain.

    *Aisha has never been given the opportunity to due-process, yet she has requested of administration to meet many times to know why this stay-away-order was placed on her.

    *Meeting of March 18, 2016, central office in the Amherst Regional Middle School, of which I was an attendee, had two armed officers of the Amherst Police Department, guarding the superintendent's office door. I submit to you—I am a thirty-three year community member with involvement and experience with the Amherst Schools and I have never seen such an exaggerated, unnecessary, display of fear in my life. Maria Geryk, Superintendent, canceled that meeting

  82. Part 3
    2014-2015 School Year:
    •R was approached in kindergarten by Aggressor (same class and age) who asked her why her skin was “dirty” (because of its brown color).
    •During school year many issues of bullying not addresses for numerous parents. Situation didn’t get better.
    2015-16 School Year:
    •Into the 1st grade, Aggressor’s bullying continues, not solely of R but other children as well. Aisha Hiza, R’s mother and custodial parent, contacts her teacher and asks her to keep her daughter and Aggressor separated. There was another incident in the Pelham Elementary library, during which Aggressor kicked R. Aisha was not notified for two days, after asking that the teacher be in contact about these incidents.
    •R comes home with bruise, and tells her mother she was hit by the other girl. Aisha says that the teacher feigns ignorance of the incident. Aisha consults lawyers.
    Aisha initiates contact with the principal of Pelham, to counter the teacher’s decreasing accountability. Principal D initiates a bullying investigation, interviewing the students who had reported being bullied during the year. Seven of 11 students polled reported being bullied by same Aggressor.
    In this investigative period, Aisha says that she was still not receiving communication from Principal D, nor from R's teacher, but was just told that there was a “plan.” Principal D later tells Aisha that contacting her about the matter was “not on her list of things to do.”
    Aisha Hiza approaches the Amherst Regional School Committee for assistance after these inconsistent exchanges with Principal D. Contact was initiated with Superintendent Maria Geryk, Dr.(Director, Office of Student Achievement and Accountability, Director of Student and Family Engagement),Dr.(Director of Student Services/Special Education.)
    January 2016:
    • Although Aisha and Principal D had agreed to preset monthly meetings, the relationship with the principal was not getting better, nor did Aisha feel that matters were being addressed appropriately.
    •February: R came home stating that her class did not celebrate Black History Month this year, although they had done class activities last year (when she was in Kindergarten). She said that they had a Valentine’s Day gathering and a Chinese New Year event, but there was no mention of Black History Month. The response of the first grade teacher, to Aisha’s inquiry on this matter was that the children would learn about Black History Month next year in second grade.
    •Aisha attended another meeting with Principal D. However, Aisha discovered that R had been called in to meet with the principal prior to their collective meeting, against the advice of lawyers, about another violence incident with Aggressor. Principal D also invited other persons to the meeting unannounced, including (Director of Equity and Professional Development, ARPS), (on the district's Anti-Bullying Task Force) and (on the district’s Anti-Bullying Task Force). Aisha considered the meeting “pointless;” she filed a complaint.
    •Aisha attended another meeting following up with the School Committee representatives (Maria Geryk, MG, FB, and an HR Representative]. They suggested they had worked everything out, and suggested that Principal D followed protocol with everything.

  83. Part 4 • On feb 22, Aisha and allies attended a meeting with Superintendent Geryk, Dr. Guevara, Dr. Faye Brady, and the Director of Human Resources, Kathy Mazur. Again, they would Shortly thereafter, Aisha received a “stay-away-order" from Superintendent Maria Geryk, that requested she no longer be present in the school (including escorting her daughter to the classroom and attending meetings) and ceasing communication with Principal D, because Principal D felt threatened by Aisha’s assertiveness. Furthermore, parental communication for R with the school was shifted to Aisha’s ex-husband.
    • Following this, the school would not even let R contact her mother from school, when she attempted to call one day. Again, she is seven years old. The school nurse denied Aisha's daughter the opportunity to call her Mother when she was not feeling well. Eventually she was able to call. R was released that day , much to Aisha's dismay, to her father, who is not the custodial parent.
    • Aisha is the partner of a police officer. In February, he was called to his chief’s office—per the Pelham chief of police—to inquire whether Aisha had access to firearms. Apparently, her ex-husband, when contacted by Principal D, told the principal that Aisha knew where she lived and “might harm” her. All conversations between the former spouses are monitored per Family Wizard, and the only conversation in which Aisha says (and has documented) her mentioning the residence of the principal is in correcting her ex-husband’s assumption. Further, the principal's town of residence is listed on her school staff bio online.

  84. part 5
    • On March 18, Superintendent Maria Geryk canceled a meeting with Aisha because she believed Aisha would be bringing legal representation. Geryk had also requested that Amherst Police be present, and Aisha encountered some hostility from the secretary at the APRS office. Upon putting Aisha and her allies out (three present), they heard laughter coming from the office, to which Aisha walked in and replied “We are here and we can hear you.” There were two Amherst Police officers present outside the superintendent's office—Officer Daly and Officer Marcus. They were there on Maria Geryk's request.
    not discuss the stay-away-order (a matter of concern now for Aisha), nor would they discuss why her daughter could not contact her. Dr. M G said she would look into why Aisha's daughter was told she could not contact her mother. They said she was too much of a threat to contact again. According to one of Aisha’s allies, they deflected every conversation, especially those which they had exacerbated; nothing was accomplished.
    Aisha began contacting other school committee members; the chair, is known to be well-acquainted and friendly with the Superintendent and others long involved in Aisha’s case. She will be handling the complaint and leading the committee’s action. XXX (on the district's Anti-Bullying Task Force- told Aisha that at the Pelham School Committee meeting of April 6, 2016, the members would go into Executive Session to discuss the stay-away-order and send Aisha written notice of their decision. Chair then later canceled until further notice. Chair has since recused herself from the "Executive Session" that took place, May 6, 2016.

  85. How about releasing emails to support your extremely long version of events. Any supporting material? I'm trying really hard to believe her side of this, but a third party blog post doesn't really count as facts.

  86. "How about releasing emails to support your extremely long version of events. Any supporting material? I'm trying really hard to believe her side of this, but a third party blog post doesn't really count as facts."

    I am not the poster but I strongly feel that this is not the right venue to release everything. Aisha has assistance- rehashing the past will not help move this issue forward

    If you have the ability to help Aisha Hiza- contact her privately.

  87. This is all very sad.

    I wish someone could take the time to understand both sides of the situation and propose a path forward. Neither party seems blameless.

    1. Very sad and yes mistakes everywhere as a passionate frustrated parent some of the emails were combatitive but no more than mine would have been if I had to find a way to get sometime to listen after being brushed off for 15 months

    2. I have seen the emails asking questions that are never answered we have them and they will be used in a court of law. Meanwhile the time line was composed by a person has been present at almost all the meetings

  88. The anonymous timeline could say anything. I really believe that the mom should sign a release so that the real timeline can be determined. Of course there are always two sides to every story. Why should anyone believe an anonymous one sided timeline.
    Why try this case on a blog? So that you can say anything, whether it's true or not.
    Let's wait to see if the real facts come out. It seems the Pelham SC heard the real facts and decided the case had no merit.

  89. No actually the Pelham school committee can only do three things .. Evaluate the SI hire the asst SI and set policy. They also didn't have any of Aisha's material since Gina Tate would not allow Aisha to give them materials . All materials had to be presented through Ms Tate who never returned any of the mother's phone calls. So while the media has only Aisha's side.. The school Committees only have Maria's Side.

  90. anon @ 11:43: I guess I missed it... When did the SC hire the assistant SI (Mr Morris)? I thought he was simply promoted from his previous central office position whose title I can't remember (so many). Was there a search? Did they just follow Ms Geryk's request?

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. It's very tough - legally, the Regional SC has three real powers: evaluating the supt.; hiring the asst. supt.; hiring the business mgr. The Pelham SC has let a lot of its power leak away, and tends to be kind of supervisory in a checked-out kind of way. Pelham's real power is in having 2 members on the regional SC. With Shutes. and Leverett there are 4 Reg. SC members from the small towns, and with one Amherst Reg. SC member joining them, making 5, they have a majority on the 9 member body, and can wield power, but Pelham SC is generally in a very weak position when it comes to doing much. This is a result of reforms to the state laws. It wasn't always this way.

  93. The facts are being hidden in top-secret documents that Maria will not even release to the Mother. This, in and of itself, is an outrage--Then to have the audacity to release these very same documents to the school committee, given the task to decide how extensive her abuse of authority is and how inhumane her treatment is of one of Amherst's Regional High School's own Scholars, is nothing short of corruption in full gear. The stay-away order is a simple attack to silence a voice that has been so mistreated it would blow away the average citizen. Like--how on this green earth is this being allowed? There has never been due-process--never and even after umpteen times of requesting to know--what was done to warrant this action--what needs to be done to lift this order, and how long is it to be in effect? The Mother has no record--no history of violence of any sort--Just the opposite--an advanced placement scholar of the very same system that is now terrorizing her and her child. Is this what we want our community to be known as in the greater sphere of it all?

  94. Mother's boyfriend should sue Geryk

  95. Please stop. Somebody--please help to stop this madness.

  96. Bill Neuman or Harold Friedman Or a judge would be nice since both issues believe they are right. Try living in my town of Pelham where two of our few minority families have been bullied and emotionally abused by the superintendent and her lawyer. Try having your school. all over for being unable to do its job. When our school is great.. Its sick the picture people invtheir mind of our small toen.
