Friday, May 27, 2016

Not A Glitch

Requires majority vote of 5 member Select Board to hire new Town Manager

With two of the final three candidates pulling out of the Town Manager search it's not overly surprising that some folks were concerned when the Select Board somewhat suddenly cancelled an executive session scheduled for today at 3:00 PM

So naturally I asked if we should be concerned that something had gone wrong in the 11th hour over negotiations with Paul Bockelman, and received this reply from Chair Alisa Brewer:

"Actually, it's the opposite: we scheduled today just in case something weird came up -- and it did not.  We are hoping to go over final proposal Wednesday 06-01-16."
Then I asked about the confusing agenda for June 1st which makes it look like they are approving the new Town Manager contract in Open Session before going into Executive Session to discuss the contract.

Click to enlarge/read

To which she replied:

 "Our Agendas are not in chronological order these days. We will start in open, go immediately to exec, decide in exec if terms are agreeable, get finalist on phone if necessary (that's why 2 sections of MLG exec cited) also see if exec session minutes are complete and can be approved if not actually released, or maybe released, then come out to open, announce the result, and vote to execute a contract.

Alternatively: if something surprising comes up in exec, we have some unanswered questions but can't fix it over the phone, need more time, we'll come back out to report that.

Hopefully won't happen since we don't have any extra meetings posted between Wed 06-01-16 and Monday 06-06-16 at 6:00."

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