Friday, May 6, 2016

Let's go down to the Sunset Grill

Sunset Grill & Pizza , ye old creamery building 150 Fearing Street

Just in time for today's UMass graduation the completely transformed Sunset Grill debuts with a new menu, sit down service and cleanliness that would rival a NASA laboratory.

Long time area resident Rebecca Casagrande is fulfilling her lifelong dream.  And who doesn't like burgers, pizza and deli sandwiches?

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, providing over half the jobs in our state.  Even more vital in Amherst where residential property provides 90% of the tax base and commercial land like this a pathetic 10%.

Running a small business is epically hard -- especially a restaurant.  But the rewards can outweigh the risks: being your own boss, while providing a product that makes people smile.


  1. Good luck to her.

    1. Thank You. We have worked very hard to make it a great place with great foid while supporting local small companies.

  2. Best wishes on a successful business.

  3. Great song. Good luck to the Cassgrande family.

  4. We almost need something similar to Kosher -- at least on a local basis, some objective independent referee saying "yes, her place is clean, her measures are more-or-less what she says they are, her refrigerators are as cold as they should be, her ovens as hot as they should be, and there really isn't anything there that would gross you out if you knew about it.

    No disrespect to the Board of Health but there needs to be a level of voluntary accreditation where people who have a higher standard than some other establishments do are both able to advertise that and compete on quality rather than price alone.

    Larry, isn't this a building that had a quite disreputable food establishment in it? How is a member of the public to know she isn't them?

    1. The new Board of Health person in Amherst is very strict she visited three times I work for corporations that are very very strict on food safety and food sanitation we change our sanitizer water regularly we temper refrigerators regularly all I can say is come in we changed every single surface in the place I take my business and my dream very seriously my family and all my friends eat here and I would never ever do anything to put anyone's Health at risk I hope that answers your question this is Rebecca owner of Sunset Grill & Pizza

  5. Does any restaurant in Amherst have a better location? A good and affordable restaurant here would do very well, especially on weekends.

    Hoping the best for her!

  6. Uh, it doesn't take much to know she isn't "them."
    She has nothing to do with the previous owners issues. Don't you read this blog?

  7. Good for you Rebecca I plan on being a regular. And good luck!

  8. Rebecca -- lots of sports camps at UMass in the summer -- lots of parents all along the edge of that field below Boyden, some involve kids staying in the SW lowrise dorms.

    Din't know if you want to get into fliers and coupons and promos, nor if you can "legally" hand them out to parents (suspect you can't - UMass has become quite fascist), but there is your summer market.

    What you do NOT want to do is litter the campus with your fliers.

  9. Found the menu!

    It looks Yummy!

    1. The websitecwill be up soon its it's under construction .

  10. Larry is right, operating a small business is hard, then when you add the pointless regulators as enemies, it is almost impossible, then add that most local shoppers prefer huge companies from far away. It is just often a matter of time till the savings are burned up.

    Just imagine how much better small communities would be if they did not shoot themselves in the foot with endless regulation and big govt? It would be like a gift to the kids, could mitigate some of the damage and waste of the school systems, perhaps then kids wont all move away.

    Ah, nevermind, there is no limit to what we should pay or sacrifice for regs. Regulations are doing what we are told by overseers is the new religion with churches being funded weekly...dpw churches.....cabletv meeting leaders constantly meeting to make decisions....dexide who will make a living....who has rights this week..and the people always tithe, or they will be has been is the is our religion.
