Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Fool Me Three times?

Townehouse Apartments, Mid April

Third time was the charm for couch burning out at everybody's favorite outdoor play area, the west quad of Townehouse Apartments on Meadow Street in North Amherst. 

Last month, with a couple thousand college aged youth crammed into the quad, the firebugs escaped capture.

As did a couch torching this past Friday night.  But Sunday was a different story.  Private security caught the perp, who was charged with burning personal property

He was arraigned in Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday before Judge Thomas Estes, and had his case continued until 5/31/16 for pre-trial.

Click to enlarge/read


  1. Wow not going to post the young man's name? Please don't - just asking...

  2. Anyone still not understand my sarcastic "got matches" comment?

  3. Normally I'm very very in favor of posting the perps name in plain text (therefore making it subject to numerous search engine indexing, like google). But for burning a couch (dumb dumb dumb) maybe he learns a lesson. I understand the potential for further damage was there, but much less than let's say drunk driving or assaulting a police officer...

  4. Sad thing is that between the regular AFD, the call dept, the UM Student crew, and all the other FDs in the valley, there has got to be a couple guys (or gals) who'd like to have an extra $50/$75 and would be willing to babysit a bonfire -- and I'd be surprised if it wasn't possible to raise that amongst the people who'd like to have a bonfire.

    Yes, jumping through it is stupid, and you really don't need to get trees (or buildings) on fire, but it's a pity that the open burning ban can't be amended to permit more than just one bonfire per year.

    Just sayin...

  5. Ediot, that's not a bonfire. It's drunk kids burning a couch. There are rules in place if you want a bonfire.

  6. Yes, and an asinine law that only permits one per town per year.
