Monday, May 2, 2016

Don't Do The Crime ...

Three perps arrested for UMass incident await arraignment in Courtroom 1

UMass has had a few somewhat dramatic incidents over the past year, all of them involving weapons (and most likely drugs or alcohol).

In this most recent early morning incident the three masked suspects, armed with knives, tried to break into dorm rooms at the Washington tower at 4:45 AM early Sunday morning.

UMPD arrested them, but not before they put up a fight.

Safe to say the two who are UMass students -- Damien Earp and Garrett Johnston -- will never graduate (from UMass/Amherst).

Click to enlarge/read


  1. The very flower of our education system.

  2. They must've got the standard $40 bail. What a joke!

  3. Larry, how do you know those two are students?

    While UMass can legally share that with the police & court, it becomes a FERPA violation should either divulge the information.

  4. Lynn sure is making news here in Amherst-
    Wonder if they know Corey Smith...

  5. You can search a UMass database by name to determine if they are students.

  6. I'm sure the police and local news outlets did not need to ask U. Mass for any confidential student status information.

  7. so much sympathy for those charged. anyone thought about the victims?

  8. No kidding! Trying to break into a room early AM with knives????? Then fighting with the police? I mean really? Pretty open and shut. Get them out of UMass (and I couldn't find them in the student directory, Kyle Morrill of Lynn and Damien Gan Earp also of Lynn) and get them "punished". This is a serious crime, would have liked to have seen a higher bail, but I'm sure they'll get what is coming to them for this crime. And then get to live with it on their record for a long time!

  9. The fact they aren't in the student directory is what I mean by a FERPA violation.

    1. Google: Damien earp
      Click on the Facebook link
      UMASS - Amherst /Lynn MA

  10. Pretty serious charges. Akin in my book to armed home invasion. Some State Prison time is in order. If they were OTW that is what they would get. Or if they lived in Texas (Huntsville) or Mississippi(Parchman).But here, a little time in a county jail.

  11. What's not being said here is that all this security stuff is meaningless if the perps are already living in the dorm. umASS somehow doesn't understand this concept....

  12. Anon 10:19, UM Dorms already ARE knife free zones...

  13. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. umass campus police overreacted in this case making it more than what it was. I know all three involved and know for a fact this is not went down. They should of arrested the the kid from the room that they went into.
