Thursday, May 12, 2016

Backdoor Sabotage

Jones Library needs property from Historical Society for preferred expansion

I always love it when somebody accidentally hits reply all and sends a telling message they think is only going to a very few like minded obstructionists.

Take former Jones Library black sheep Trustee Carol Gray for instance, who just sent a message to all 200+ members of the privately owned Town Meeting listserve.

Anybody who pays attention to Town Meeting issues -- which unfortunately does not include the vast majority of Amherst voters -- knows full well the plan is afoot to stop the Jones Library expansion/renovation right at the starting gate by denying them the ability to purchase land next door from a willing, highly respected, seller.

And as Carol so gleefully points out, it only takes a one-third super minority to kill development, no matter how reasonable it is.  Reason #1 for terminating Town Meeting.

Click to enlarge/read (but by all means do not forward)


  1. Why should this very expensive expansion of the library go forward? I thought you are Mr. Taxes Are High Kelley?

  2. Not only is the library expansion going to cost millions, but it will need heat, light, maintenance, and staffing. What will the costs be of all that?

  3. Please do not forward this email. Keep it private. Do not let the people of Amherst see it. Do not let people I represent see it.

  4. What exactly is an old-fashioned downtown?

  5. The library can expand without the zoning change.

  6. I know. That's why I used the word "preferred" expansion plan.

  7. What's shocking about this? It's true that it's harder to get 2/3rds than a majority vote and people do talk about tactics. Think about it.

  8. Classic. Thanks for publishing this, Larry. Now, can we have your sign-in info for the Yahoo group?

  9. The shocking part is Gray's blatant abuse of TM's exemption from the Open Meeting Law. It allows TM members to meet secretly and form coalitions. While this is probably a good thing in an OPEN town meeting, in a REPRESENTATIVE town meeting like ours it is a disaster. Our elected representatives have no duty to inform us of their intentions, or to recuse themselves if they have a conflict of interest.

    I know, I know - stuff happens behind closed doors in any government, but Gray feels so safe that she can send emails saying "please don't forward this". And it's not even a violation of any rule.

  10. The Library will be paid for by $40 million from the state, your state income taxes coming back to Amherst. Unless you don't want the money. Maybe Agawam can use it.

    Here's what went on before Carol Gray's fatal message:

    On May 12, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Melissa Perot wrote:

    I appreciate that people are willing to consider this Jones expansion and all that it entails, given more information and time to consider the proposal in more depth. However I am already convinced that while there is a need for in-spansion and reorganization there are alternative ways to provide expanded services to the community of Amherst as a whole that does not require expansion of the main Jones library in town. A first step to think outside the 'grant box' is to vote “No” to the zoning change requested. Referral reinforces this over-reach and use of public funds wherever it comes from. Melissa Perot

    On May 12, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Frank Gatti [amhersttownmeeting] wrote:

    Sarah, Indeed that is needed information but otherwise I very much like the idea of article 31 being referred either to a specific date for fall town meeting or a special meeting in September, asking that there be presentations before that meeting probably on site at the library where we can look at plans right in the library and its land. The Historic commission could also present as well. Frank Gatti

    On May 11, 2016, at 12:05 PM, Sarah [amhersttownmeeting] wrote:

    Concerning Janet's gentle suggestion below, whether Article 31, to rezone the Strong House land, would be better considered in a special Town Meeting in September or Fall Town Meeting, does anyone know by when the Library's architects must know whether the Strong House land will be available?

    Preparing detailed schematics for any such project is doubtless a major task.

    Sarah McKee

    On May 11, 2016, at 8:06 AM, Janet McGowan [amhersttownmeeting] wrote:

    At yesterday's meeting in the Jones Library it was said that the Amherst Historical Society will not be paid for the land, if they sell it to the Jones Library. In exchange, they will get space to store their artifacts. Librarian Sharry also has said that the Jones can expand without the Strong House land. If the property land sale or rezoning don't go through, would the Jones Library still store the Strong House artifacts? Is having storage space the motivation for the Amherst Historical Society?

    Also, I would greatly appreciate answers to the questions I posted earlier. ( I can repost them.) I particularly would like someone to speak to the historic importance of the Strong House and it's lot and the reasons why the will requires that the house and land remain the same. There is a lot of information on the Strong House and I am sure that Town Meeting members would be interested in learning more. Town Meeting members may well vote to rezone the Strong House and it would be helpful to know what the consequences are for making this change. There are clearly costs and benefits to each option being looked at and that information is useful for us.

    I left the Jones Library meeting struck by how much information the Trustees, staff and committee members know about their project -- and how little we do. This is why I have been asking for more information and gently suggesting that Fall Town Meeting (or maybe a short special town meeting in September) may be a better time to consider this Article.

    I hope this is not construed as disrespect or burdening volunteer boards and discouraging other towns people from volunteering. I do note that the Strong House and the Jones all have paid staff and hopefully can help answer questions as Town Meeting members consider their request.


    Janet McGowan


    1. Thank you for posting that, Kevin. Town residents should be able to read all of this. Why is Mary Streeter keeping us from seeing discussions about these important decisions? It's disgusting.

  11. The current estimate is about $33 million with about $13 million of that coming from the state.

  12. Town Meeting: where defeated candidates go to settle scores.

  13. Please keep this quiet, don't forward it, keep it to yourself, this is strictly on the QT, while I.....

    pick up this bullhorn and blow it all into Larry Kelley's ear.

  14. Sure it was a goof to send to all but given that it was addressed to three people, I am not sure it qualifies as a conspiracy. It is what she believes and is positioning for. Happens all the time.

  15. Another nail in the TM coffin

  16. If Ms. Gray, McKee, and McGowan were intending to work against the future of Town Meeting, they couldn't be doing a better job.

  17. One wonders if Carol in her breathless zeal has thought this one out. Just how many friends of the Jones around town want to see the process play itself all the way out, before a "sense of the town" is then registered? And how many of those people who will be disappointed, if Carol and her scheming friends win with 1/3 + 1, will be later voting on a charter proposal that may in fact include the abolition of Town Meeting? But we know Ms. Gray by now. Is she ever careful about what she wishes for?

  18. I am sorry to offer some information that may make all our lives less interesting. I am not involved in a conspiracy with Carol Gray, Frank Ghatti and Sarah, who I think is Sarah McKee. I don't think I've ever met Sarah McKee, but I know for sure I haven't conspired with her. I've met Frank 3 times but not recently. I haven't discussed the zoning articles with him. I did briefly speak with Carol at the close of Wednesday's Town Meeting session and we did quickly talk about three zoning articles. She asked me my thoughts. Here they are:

    I am okay on Article 27 and probably Article 28, athough I am unhappy with losing prime farm land. I was too tired to talk intelligently about Article 29. Carol told me her thoughts on Article 31 and I will leave it to her to explain them.

    Earlier in Town Meeting Carol and I talked about the loss of our friend, neighbor and Town Meeting Member Bob Wellman. I will miss his piercing intelligence and booming laugh.

    If anyone wants to talk to me about Town Meeting and the articles, please always feel free to contact me. Let's try to be more peaceful and bit nicer to each other.

    Janet McGowan

  19. I'm surprised that town meeting might want to oppose a library expansion. It seems that's the type thing they might want to support.

    Speaking for myself, I support the library expansion, and that's usually the kind of big budget idea I oppose.

  20. I don't always agree with Larry Kelly, but this time he's right on the money. Sarah and Carol were the ones who engineered the disgraceful campaign to oust the library's long-time well-respected library director several years ago. It makes my head want to explode when I see them pull this sort of nonsense while claiming that their actions are motivated by their "deep love of the library." Give it a rest, you two--you've already "helped" quite enough!

  21. I love our library and go there weekly. While a shiny new (and mildly) expanded library sounds great, I don't see that there is a driving need for it. Rarely is the library crowded, other than the computer area at the back. I'm not sure that the library expansion should be driven by folks wanting to surf the web (the vast majority of users back there). The town costs of $21 million (+$13 mill from the state) is huge for adding 21,000 feet. Imagine the renovations covered by the state at $13m, that means the expansion is $1000/ft2. I am much more persuaded by the need for a fire department and new school than I am by the library plan. The idea that our population includes our undergrad population in the calculations of patrons served is just WRONG. There is no way that more than a hand full of college students (that might happen to live nearby) uses that library- no way, no how.

  22. Hello Janet:

    You gathered signatures for Frank Gatti's recent bid for Charter Commission. That seems like a lot of work for someone you have "met 3 times, but not recently".

    --Conspiracy Theorist
