Sunday, April 24, 2016

Townehouse Transformation

Townehouse west quad 2:30 PM Satruday

The final glorious spring weekend before UMass finals went well, with fewer large gatherings compared to last week where the Mill River Recreation area was trashed and the usual spots -- Hobart Lane and Townehouse Apartments -- swelled with college aged youth like an old fashioned beach party.

 Townehouse west quad 4:45 PM

Only Townehouse Apartments quad area grew large and loud on Saturday with a peak crowd of perhaps 1,500, a little less than last week.

A handful of Amherst police stood by most of the day to observe and interact with students coming and going but pretty much allowed the students to have fun.

UMass Community Liaison Eric Beal and APD's Neighborhood Liaison Officer Bill Laramee has spent plenty of time during the week interacting with students at the usual hot spots.

Townehouse west quad 6:30 PM

At one point late in the day a Townehouse security guard reported a bottle was thrown at him by someone who disappeared back into the crowd, but fortunately the incident did not escalate.

And, unlike last week, nobody set any furniture on fire in the middle of the quad.

 Townehouse west quad Sunday morning 7:00 AM


  1. This seems like a good compromise. Keep the party away from the neighbors and under enough control that the APD isn't forced to intervene. Clean-up though... I'm hoping the townhouse management organized something.

    Mill River though, that just pissed me off.

  2. Yes, when I got there Sunday morning a crew was cleaning up (note full bags of bottles and cans in photo at bottom right).

  3. I guess we just gotta pray for quite enjoyment-the last thing we need is "trashed" D.U.I.s on the highway !!

  4. As to Mill River, some people are more equal than others....

  5. And as to the "Smith Family Reunion", I truly don't care whom the Smith Family considers to be members of the "Smith Family", nor (absent anything indicating that a human being is in imminent mortal peril) even want to know what color someone's skin is...

    (NB: "Green" is a really bad color -- it indicates acute catastrophic liver shutdown and isn't something I ever want to see again...)

    It's the "some people are more equal than others" that upsets me.

  6. Maybe I missed it, but did anyone pursue or identify who pulled the permit for the Mill River gathering/debacle?

  7. I requested the public document last week. Town Hall is kind of busy right now with Town Meeting coming up and the hiring a new permanent Town Manager.

  8. Town Hall is "busy" because they hope you will go away.

    It takes less than a minute to photocopy a piece of paper -- this is an excuse Larry, and you need to know that.

  9. They provided it a couple hours ago and I just posted it in a new (brief) story.

  10. The Townhouses (and Hobart area also) should have a detail officer there for every one of these spring weekends and have UMass foot the bill for it.

  11. Why should UMass have to pay?

    Aren't those properties paying taxes to AMHERST?
