Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Student Activism Revival

UMass Whitmore Administration Building 9:30 PM
Amherst Town Hall 8:15 PM

Yesterday was a high water mark for student involvement in public affairs the likes of which I have not seen in many years.

Amherst Regional Middles school students brought their sink Columbus in favor of Indigenous Peoples' Day to both the Regional School Committee meeting and the Town Meeting Warrant Review in Town Hall.

 Amherst Regional School Committee meeting 6:30 Public Comment period
Click to enlarge/read

And of course the UMass Whitmore  protest -- a good old fashioned sit in take over of a public building -- escalated to the point of physical arrest for 15 students who wish to force their University to divest from fossil fuel investments.

 After arraignment students waited in hallway to talk to Assistant DA

In Eastern Hampshire District Court this morning all 15 decided to represent themselves and negotiate directly with Assistant District Attorney Bob Opsitnick.

 15 student protesters were arraigned before Judge Estes three at a time
At conclusion of building sweep protesters chanted "We will be back"

As part of a plea deal all 15 of them were offered and they accepted the following:

Pre-Trial Probation for 4 Months, $50.00 Monthly Probation Fee. They all have the option to do Community Service in lieu of cash.

Conditions of Probation are: Stay away from Whitmore Hall AFTER 6:00 pm and perform 20 hours of Community Service.  Part of those 20 hours will be to participate in Look Park cleanup on Earth Day.

 UMPD Statement of Facts


  1. I see that UMass has YET to enforce the picketing code.

  2. Where is that code written, Ed?

  3. Keep arresting these dummies.
