Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Stuck In The Middle

Bill Fraser, City Manager Montpelier VT

In spite of pronouncing the h in Am_erst in his closing statement Town Manager finalist Bill Fraser, the 2nd of 3 candidates to be publicly interviewed by our Executive branch, put on a strong performance last night demonstrating an important understanding of how vital a vibrant downtown is to our little college town.

Plus he has experience with affordable housing, reusing a retired school building, and dealing with state government -- all of which would come in handy almost immediately.

Except his city manager contract with Montpelier, VT was renewed for a year and requires a three month notice to be released from it.

So the earliest he could start in Amherst would be August, still enough time to get a feel for the town before the floodgates reopen in September with the return of our #1 demographic, college aged youth.

With 30+ years experience in city government Mr. Fraser would be giving us the last -- and hopefully best -- years of his long career.  Whereas the previous candidate, Maria Capriola, is still in the ascending stage.

A tough choice.  And there's still one more candidate to go.


  1. Based on your photo, when they do the movie they can cast James Cromwell and Kathy Bates in those roles.

  2. Ms. Capriola's youth doesn't necessarily mean she wouldn't be giving the last years of her career in municipal management to Amherst.

  3. Fraser is far and away the most qualified candidate. Three months notice just means he's a professional who is assuring a smooth transition in his current town. He's the only one of the three sitting in a managers seat.
