Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Strike Two!

Panda East, in the heart of downtown

For the second time this year Panda East Restaurant will be hauled before the Amherst Select Board acting as Liquor Commissioners on Thursday evening, for the serious charge of serving underage patrons.

Made even more serious since this is the 2nd offense in only three months and the underage minor was only 17 years old!

Click to enlarge/read

Back in January the Select Board voted unanimously to suspend their liquor license for two days -- January 25 and January 26 -- for the 17 counts of serving minors brought by Amherst Police.

But they also gave them an additional 5 days worth of license suspensions if the infraction should happen again within two years.

Apparently, it did.


  1. The drinking age should be 18, anyway. Sound the death knell for another Amherst business.

    1. Are they serving 8th graders yet?

  2. Tuesday-April 18-2016-marked the 19th year since I was crippled for life-left legally dead-and life-flighted after being struck by a bar hopping hit and run DUI drunk driver-these people are "Merchants Of Death"..Do they give a hoot for YOUR life, love, liberty-and the pursuit of happiness if you are maimed/murdered by a "Trashed" customer-I think your life isn't even worth a few quid to this ilk-just despicable..!!

  3. Agree, The Town of Amherst is in business to help businesses go out of business. At least in Amherst, they have available public transportation, something that does not exist in most WMASS areas. Is every bar that serves more than one drink to customers a merchant of death? Probably, since most don't want to take personal responsibility.

    1. Regarding small business, the Marxist in chief said "You didn't build that." What do you expect in a town consisting of his followers?

  4. Let's outlaw Chinese food, alcohol, then cars, and then maybe people. Now that is the Amherst way.

  5. They should lose their liquor license.

  6. Cops seem to be sneaking around, trying to set up these businesses. Go after those bad elderly drivers instead. They are a menace!

    1. Ageism alive and well here in Amherst. We celebrate diversity.

  7. I told the owner to buy the scanner and not have to get in trouble for being shown a fake that looks real. She ought to spend the $800 now and buy it.

  8. Walter, fake id's can scan too, the only thing that is fool proof is the black box scanners that I have only ever seen in big package stores

  9. "At least in Amherst, they have available public transportation, something that does not exist in most WMASS areas."
    Passing out on the bus after consuming a scorpion bowl isn't the best use of public transit.

  10. Actually- It looks to be strike three- The first instance (11 kids) was in Jan, The 17 year old bus incident in March and was there was a third in early April? (couldn't open the select board posting.)

  11. Panda East was the very first restaurant I ate in as an adult in Amherst, when I left the Air Force and transferred to UMass from the University of Nebraska, Omaha as a junior in 1988. Subsequently, after my return as an even more pestilential derelict in 2007 after being homeless in Baltimore for over four years, I was always welcomed and treated with respect and kindness even as my relationship with Rao's, to say nothing of the seeming majority of properties in central Amherst and myriad other outlying area to which I hadn't yet, and perhaps never will, had the chance to visit, entered mutually problematical legal conditions.

    I trust a rational, non-destructive solution to this problem will be found for this tragedy.

    Broken windows policing when taken too far can result in many fewer and less valued windows to break.

  12. Who says they were carding anyone?

  13. verdict-55 days of no alcohol sales including graduation week (after most underage classman have already departed)
