Sunday, April 3, 2016

Pretty In White

North East Street (Click photos to enlarge)
Town center
UMass Southwest

Wildwood Cemetery
South Amherst
East Village
Although, the windy storm did cause some damage, taking down a tree on East Pleasant Street into a utility pole that briefly knocked out power, and a beautiful birch tree in front of St Brigid's Church also came crashing down.

 Tree into wires East Pleasant Street (near intersect with Pine Street)
Birch in front of St. Brigid's fell, fortunately not on anyone


  1. I'm a big photo buff Larry, and these are great pictures.

  2. I do not recognize the body of water shown in South Amherst. Can anyone identify it, and indicate how to walk up to it?

    Rich Morse

  3. Epstein's Pond, just to the south of the 1st Atkins roundabout at Bay Road/Rt 116 intersection.

  4. A very good example of the proper way to use these drones. Keep up
    the good work Larry.

  5. Do have info on this mornings accident- A Hyundai rear ended Amherst Trucking.

    Everyone ok?

  6. Is plowing and sanding the roads a lost concept? A car just slid off the road in front of my house. Wasn't this storm predicted? Oh-- it's probably Town Meetings fault the roads are a mess.

  7. Kind of.

    Any good Mayor knows that the #1 thing to kill a reelection is poor performance clearing snow, so they probably camp out in the DPW Chief's office the night before.
