Wednesday, April 6, 2016

But Is She Overqualified?

Amherst College President Biddy Martin at reopening of Lord Jeff (does not require a microphone)

Precinct Five Town Meeting members, of which I am one, will meet on Tuesday to fill a vacancy for a three-year seat among three individuals who each received two write in votes on election day: Christopher W. Benning, Steven D. Heim and Carolyn Arthur Martin.

Not to be sexist, but she gets my vote.  If Biddy Martin can run Amherst College she sure as heck can handle Amherst Town Meeting.

I guess the real question is, can Town Meeting handle her?

Only 7 names appeared on the 3/29 ballot for 8 open seats


  1. Politics becomes religion...but the worshiping still seems like a waste.

  2. does Ms Martin even want to serve? or did two people just write her in?

  3. I asked the Town Clerk and she said a letter went out to all three and thus far none of them responding saying to remove their name from contention.

    But then, she's probably pretty busy about now.

  4. She should run, screaming.

  5. Larry, you don't want her. Trust me.

  6. She's not actually voluntarily running, and will be submitting a withdrawal letter prior to next week's meeting.

  7. I bet she's pissed. You never should have posted this article since she was a write in. Pretty irresponsible. And you wonder why people post anonymously.


  8. Oh, I think she has a sense of humor.

    Her name appeared on an official public document, and if it didn't get any press she probably would not have even known about it and been elected at the meeting next week.

    Now she simply sends the Town Clerk a no thank you note.

  9. 599 South Prospect Street- Good info :)

  10. Actually it's 596.

    Make my day (or night).
