Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Water Water Everywhere

The South Amherst beavers are nothing if not industrious

The Conservation Commission will hear two requests this evening, one from the DPW to breach a beaver dam to increase water flow on Plum Brook, and another from the Conservation Department to replace an  outflow structure at Markert's Pond with the goal -- according to Assistant Town Manager Dave Ziomek -- "to restore the pond to historic levels" i.e. larger.

Markert's Pond South Amherst 

Broken outflow structure allows too much water to escape


  1. But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

  2. This is where some CPA or whatever it's called money should be spent.

  3. And ye drink of the water and Lord giveth thou the sulfur belch ups.

  4. It is amazing to see the difference in the landscape in some areas. Here's imagery from 1999, before beavers built a huge 200' long dam: Hop Brook, April, 1999

    Here's that same area, just five years later: Hop Brook, April, 2004

  5. This summer I'll run back over and grab a few shots to compare and see if the DPW dam busting did any good.
