Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Status Quo Farmers Market

Spring Street lot (bottom left) Boltwood Avenue Grace Church (right)

While farmers are not exactly in the same league with biblical money changers, Grace Church still had "major concerns" with a new proposal to close down Boltwood Avenue in front of the Church for vendors citing summer/fall as a busy time for them with weddings and funerals, while noting they hosted the packed ceremony for beloved Town Manager John Musante last fall.

The Select Board quickly voted to allow the same set up as last year:  the Spring Street lot and a small stretch of south section of Boltwood Avenue in front of The Lord Jeff Inn (or whatever its new name will be.)

 Farmers Market manager Tammy Ryan and Assistant Town Manager Dave Ziomek quickly backed away from street closure request last night

Acting as "keepers of the public way" the Select Board also voted a " No overnight parking" policy for the Spring Street lot so that Amherst police could legally tow vehicles that were there at 6:00 AM when the Market is trying to set up.

The Amherst Farmers Market opens April 23 and runs through Novenber 19 from 8:00 AM until 1:30 PM.


  1. Surpised Big Y is not forcing the town to treat farmers like second class food truck operators....perhaps in time....

  2. You don't just become a made member of the established downtown food industry, comrade.
