Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Party House of the Weekend

This party house bust at 24 Summer Street in North Amherst is kind of a throw back to the bad old days in our little college town prior to the Rental Registration and Permit Bylaw.  A few years ago there would have been three or four more events just like this on the same weekend.

Progress is a good thing.

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday all four of the arrested had their cases continued until later this month as the Commonwealth has to confer with the police officers assaulted during the event.

Jensen Gauthier and Bailey Smith (female) stand before Judge Hadley
 Dennis Trujillo

 Mychal Carter


  1. I guess with a name like "Baily" you're bound to get into trouble.

  2. Once you disperse, the officer decided to push an arrest which resulted in a physical confrontation.

    Before the cops came, there was loud music and a traditional Amherst party, once the cops arrived, there was a dispersed party and traditional police violence. I don't like this trade off. Certainly we would tolerate quite a bit of noise to avoid a physical confrontation, but not if a cop is involved.

    The odd part is that the cop wrote it up in detail showing how he instigated the physical interaction....and then it is posted on this blog like it was not a crime in itself.

    Sounds like another round of violence could have been avoided with the police stopping just once the party was dispersed. In stead, they made another lifelong hater over some loud music. Then it was reported here so that other folks that have been wronged by police can confirm their feelings.

    This guy is in his 20s and an American, thus the odds of the police coming and grabbing his arm and hauling him away to put him in a box before he hits 30 is 5%. This will happen to 1/20 of the kids in America, at the request of their elders. It would seem this rampant violence would be more of a issue than non-violent music playing and gathering. Elders, they are just obsessed with locking kids up and then act like the people they are locking up are the problem.

  3. And we have Town Meeting members to thank for the Rental Registration bylaw. A little history helps.

  4. How come I never get invited to any of these?

  5. Tip of the Day:

    Untucked shirt at party looks great.

    Untucked shirt in court, not so much.

  6. Actually Anon 10:14 AM, my Party House of the Weekend series made it hard for Town Meeting to ignore.

  7. Untucked button down shirts are in. Acceptable in business casual settings. Get with the times.

  8. Is being arraigned in court "business casual?" Hell no! I'd be wearing a suit no matter WHAT you think is ok in some office setting. Of course, you wouldn't see me being arraigned on this stupid charge because I'm not a moron.

    1. But you still have no taste in clothing. Chill there spike!

    2. No suit ever kept anyone out of jail. If you ever stood in front of a judge you would know that. Maybe in 1952 but not now. You're showing your age.

  9. It's not the party that got them arrested. It's the stupidity of mouthing off to police and refusing to shut down. And of course, the alcohol is doing the talking.

    So if these guys are among the 5%, so be it.

  10. Catch 22,

    Most of us actually know that the real criminals wear suits and uniforms.

  11. One gets treated with far more respect in court when they dress to respect the court. These clowns don't know that.

  12. No a suit never kept anyone out of jail but how you dress has an influence on the court when the situation arises just as how you treat a police officer on a stop influences how that officer treats you back. I know the police part for working as one in my earlier years and I know the judge part quite well having numerous friends and relatives who are state and federal judges who have conveyed this to me. Or as mamma used to say, dress for success.

    1. Holy shit Wally, now you were a cop? Do you ever stop? First you were an electrician. For God's sake the closest you've ever been to a court case may have been for domestic violence against your ex. And no a suit doesn't mean shit any more, if you ever stood there you'd know that. Go back and bitch about the school system in a town you don't even live in. You and Ed ought to move in together to save on the data costs.

  13. Walter do you ever call your judge friends who cannot be impartial based on clothing as a mockery to the justice system....this is a court, surely there are serious issues to be concerned over and the need for judges that look beyond dress, enough that they never even have to admit not doing so at the elitist dinner parties of the deciders of society? Perhaps we need to focus the justice system on its failed members and then we can be concerned about tuckage?

    Your response was far more degrading to your friends than these kids. Remember the kids have something no one in your social circle has....a long life ahead of them....

    1. Clothes make the man. There is usually a reason a statement like that becomes cliche. It's because it is the truth. You see clothing as a nothing thing. Wheras it is how one chooses to represent onesself. A slovenly or a kempt appearance says a lot about you. Whether you think it should or not .

  14. Potential jurors show up in their PJs these days. An untucked shirt is probably no big deal

  15. How is it that this guy even is able to take pictures in a courtroom or of the statements and is posting them online?
