Thursday, March 10, 2016

Blarney Hangover

UMass Southwest area (often a hot spot for AFD ETOH runs)

Another sign that this year's Blarney Blowout was super successful from the town and University perspective is the relatively low number of AFD emergency medical ETOH (overly intoxicated) runs.

Although it would be nice if UMass could routinely get it under the 50% threshold for total EMS calls.

And even nicer if Hampshire College started teaching their students not to smoke indoors.


  1. I want to see what the total cost really was???

  2. A lot.

    But the vast majority of it for the Mullins Center concert (paid for by student fees).

  3. Student fee money that could/should have been used for something else,
    like what it was supposed to be used for.

    Anyone remember when the Penn Central RR suddenly went under?

  4. Student fee money for entertainment is just what we want and pay for.

  5. Penn Central RR Whhhaaaattt? ED.......never mind.....

  6. Did you want to pay for your entertainment at the rate of about $1,000 per attendee though? That sounds like a high price per ticket for a band your father and I have never even heard of, dear.

  7. I have had my share of drunken college nights., some to the point of black out (not proud, just stating a fact). I was never arrested or put in the back of an ambulance. What in God's name is going on? If you don't have it figured out by the spring semester of Freshman year then I certainly do not want you on my workforce as you are not capable of adapting to a fluid situation. In other words that this generation *might* be able to understand: "epic fail"

  8. Unfortunately it can be a difficult transition for many students. Most kids these days (and this was the case for me too, a teen in the 1980's) are not allowed to drink at home. They only drinking experience they have is sneaking off and binging at parties, when parents aren't home, etc.

    Then freshmen arrive at "Zoo-Mass" on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend after having spent an entire torturous summer living with their parents. Orientation is quite counterproductive in my view. Classes don't start til Monday? Awesome! And some who have led a particularly sheltered existence (me again) are exposed to partying on a scale they've never seen. Alcohol in unlimited quantities, and virtually no experience in how much to drink, how to stay safe, etc. It's a recipe for disaster. And on Monday when classes start these kids are hungover and have set a pattern for drinking that may follow them through college and adulthood.

    I say bring the freshmen in on Monday of Labor Day weekend and have 'em start classes the next day. No hangovers, and straight to classes. At least the Chancellor Subbaswami has started calling them in for a convocation; it's a start but more needs to be done to steer kids right when they first arrive.

  9. But I won this one. Twice.

    Stopped clock routine perhaps.
