Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Big H

Well if you can't trust your heroin dealer to stand by you in a time of need, who can you trust?

Not only did Jacob Kinney abandon his client who was overdosing courtesy of Mr. Kinney's heroin, but he stole his phone so he could delete contact information that would implicate him.  Which did not do him much good since his client survived the OD and fingered Kinney as the dealer.

Click to enlarge/read
Jacob Kinney, age 28
The best laid plans ...

Kinney was held on $1,000 cash bail.  He had a warrant out of Holyoke and another from Texas (although Texas is not interested in coming to pick him up).  He will appear again before a Judge on March 7 in Eastern Hampshire District Court.


  1. Why do UMass students hosting a party spend more time in jai than this schmuck.


  3. I find it funny that you have the time to create this post when you don't even know what really happened. Abandoning a "client"? LMFAO!! Were you there? The kid that overdosed in fact has overdosed MULTIPLE TIMES on his own drugs that he got himself, not from this kid. And the kid that overdosed is in jail on multiple charges...WHERE'S HIS ARTICLE?!? and to save his own ass decided to rat and make up stuff that isn't even true. So that's what I thought, get your facts straight before you slander someone else's name. And don't make it like you don't have skeletons in your closet because no one is perfect, including all the ignorant people that choose to comment on something they know very little to nothing about.
