Monday, February 1, 2016

Our Survey Says

Wildwood School Building Committee will chose a $60+ million design tomorrow

Results of a Public Documents Request for emails concerning the school survey of staff and parents regarding the Wildwood Building options:


  1. what are we supposed to find here? We already know that Ms Gerky and the SC dismissed the plan supported by parents and teachers. This just shows that they dismissed them all along the process...pretty much business as usual.

  2. Supported by 8% of parents and teachers who were not interested in equity.

  3. anon@10:46: you've unfairly judged these folks. Really? Not interested in equity? Equity means 'the quality of being fair and impartial'. Just because some folks don't think equity is the number ONE role of our school district, doesn't mean they don't think it is an important and valuable goal. having our students all go to the same schools is neither necessary nor sufficient to provide an equitable school environment.

  4. I appreciate the efforst of Ms. Quilter and other elementary school parents to keep trying to participate in a decision that deeply affects our elementary school children. It's pretty obvious that our central administration and Ms. Appy have no interest in what they have to say. It's well past time for new school leadership. Town meeting members and voters will listen.

    1. I think we ought to put all town decisions up for a vote by all citizens of Amherst. We as citizens know what is best for our town. We know better than the folks who were hired to make these decisions.

  5. People on this blog unfairly judge Ms. Geryk and the school committee with unceasing regularity. My comment was a statement of fact. The teachers who did not want the 2 co located schools had equity far down their list of what was important to them.

    1. Anon 10:46 and 1:47 stop trying to make the same argument over and over it didn't make sense the first time. Two thirds of parents and teachers do not support this crazy expensive scheme, not 8% -fact. And just because they did not put equity at the top of their 3 reasons for choosing, doesn't mean they don't believe in it. Perhaps they believe a quality education is the number one factor!

    2. It was not 2/3rds of all parents in town. It was 2/3rds of the small fraction of parents who answered the survey. Which gets us to 8% of all Amherst parents.

    3. Are you really that stupid (I doubt it) that you believe only 8% of parents feel this way. A survey or poll is a representation of the general feeling of a population and this one had a decent turnout, especially with teachers. 2/3rds of both teachers and parents are against. Please go ahead and prove me wrong with another survey if you like. I was actually very surprised that 1/3rd were ok with it, but I guess that was just the administration, the principals and the rest of team Maria...
