Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Never Ever Punch A Cop

Cullen Driscoll, age 18, stands before Judge Murphy

So this mistake -- sucker punching a female officer in the face -- will cost Mr. Driscoll dearly.

Obviously UMass will bounce him for at least a year, and they don't give refunds for payments already made to cover this semester. 

 Click to enlarge/read

All because he can't figure out how to drink responsibly -- a trait he probably shares with all too many freshmen, away from home for the very first time. 

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday Driscoll was assigned a public defender at a cost of $300 and his case was continued until March 29.


  1. We need breathalyzer keys for the dorms.

  2. He needs to go to prison. RMarsh

  3. He will have some nice clippings from the newspaper for his scrapbook.

  4. Drunk lives matter.

  5. To keep them out, or IN?

  6. Yes, and my kid went to UMass to ?

  7. Another puke-up narcissist like the Al Anon trollariuses here "It's all about me" is the ONLY thought they got in the head..our bad...

  8. Enough with the 'puke up' adjective. Your shtick gets old fast.

  9. Problem is the cops want to have it both ways.

    If you put someone into protective custody because he isn't responsible enough to be permitted to make his own decisions, then, ummm, wellll...

    And as to UMass, I'd love to see him file an ADA lawsuit against the TOWN on the basis of UMass' actions. He'd win, particularly if he cited the mental health regs.

    Honestly folks, why wasn't she anticipating possible aggression from this obnoxious drunk and hence give herself another 9" or so of distance. Larry, you are a Karate expert -- explain the concept of re-directing, blocking & dodging....

  10. Larry, that narrative doesn't make sense.

  11. "explain the concept of re-directing, blocking & dodging.... "

    Ed, as always, you are ridiculous. Now you are blaming the police officer for not having Ninja skills. The police officer was just doing her job.

  12. What kind of idiot lets a clearly drunken individual "suckerpunch" him/her/it? I'm blaming the officer for not having common sense and in not evaluating the situation she was putting herself into before doing so.

    There is a paragraph missing between him being helped to his feet by friends and his saying "get off me bitch" --- I think she made a mistake and/or violated his civil rights. Sooner or later, the town is going to loose a major Section 1983 suit, and the tort claim limits don't apply.

    1. "Lets"? Really? I'd like to see you in that situation since clearly you are that much better. A$$.

  13. "ADA lawsuit against the TOWN on the basis of UMass' actions"

    Ed, of course you would, although it would not have a chance. It just says more about your small and obsessive nature. Petty is your middle name.

  14. Google "Kettle Pleading", penis breath.

    If you are going to placing someone in protective custodial care then YOU assume responsibility for the individual's actions. Otherwise, you are violating the individual's civil rights IN THE FIRST PLACE -- AND YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE FORCE TO RESIST AN UNLAWFUL ARREST.

    And then there is "conspiracy to violate civil rights" and I'm sure that folks like the NAACP were caked a whole lot worse than "petty" when they were bringing 1983 suits. I'm sure Dr. King was involved iv a lot of petty stuff...

    But it's like being "kind" pregnant -- one either is or isn't -- he either wasn't able to be responsible for his actions (and hence isn't), or he was, at which point he becomes the victim here, with the cop being the criminal.

    And as to lawsuits "not having a chance", remember when marriage was betewwn a man & a woman, and we all knew how to tell the two apart???

  15. I wonder if Ed actually understands any of what he mostly plagiarizes here on Larry's blog.

  16. Talk about "mutually exclusive" -- if I was plagiarizing (which I'm not), then I would be (by definition) using the ideas of others without proper attribution, which inherently means that said ideas of others exist.

    And folks, I'm just waiting for "Black Lives Matter" to morph into "F*** The P***" and that's when things are going to get really ugly.

  17. Black lives matter but apparently not to other blacks.

  18. OK, true story:

    APD dealt with one of my Section 8 Clients -- took entire shift, two guys injured, I'd been told.
    Needless to say, they weren't eager to go deal with him again a couple weeks later, so I got asked to go see what I could do...

    His imaginary friends wound up having to go home because of the imaginary thunderstorm that was approaching, and he went inside and I went back to my office. Problem solved, without anyone getting hurt.

    (And there was one tiny "fair weather" cloud on the Eastern horizon....)

    Now if I'd wanted a violent confrontation, it'd have been easy enough to have one, I just figured that it was too much paperwork and I had enough on my desk as it was...

    And it was a different client who'd stomped on the smoke detector because "Mohammed F***ing Montana!" -- he wasn't clear if this was a reference to the state or the singer (now Molly Cyrus), but he promised not to destroy the replacement detector.

    I didn't think I needed to prove anything....
