Friday, February 19, 2016

Jumping The Gun?

Not until he hand in the proper paperwork

For the second time this week our local hometown newspaper has a front page above-the-fold story on something someone might do:  bring an article to Town Meeting.

And since it only requires 10 signatures to get ANYTHING on the warrant, not a very high bar to hurdle.  So yes, if someone tells you they are going to place an article on the spring warrant it's pretty easy to believe.

(At least the fall Town Meeting requires 100 signatures to grace the warrant.)

But what if they get hit by a PVTA bus or errant drone while they are out performing the arduous task of collecting those ten signatures?

Citizens have until February 29 to get the petition articles to Town Hall with the required signatures of registered voters.  So far seven individuals have taken out the proper paperwork from the Town Clerk, so it's a safe bet we will be getting a few returned with do-gooder intentions.

But I'm not going to speculate.  Especially on my front page.


  1. Whom would this apply to? Other than CVS, who is still selling stuff in Amherst?

    Louis' is closed, numerous bookstores are closed, liquor stores use paper bags anyway -- and WalMart's in Hadley...

    What other business is there to drive out of town?

  2. I shop in Hadley at stop and shop. Besides, plastic bags are more environmentally friendly.
