Monday, February 22, 2016

Blarney Blowout Warm Up?

Townhouse Apartments, North Amherst 3:45 PM Saturday

Yes of course everyone both young and old should be able to enjoy a warm Saturday afternoon especially considering the Arctic like conditions we endured the previous weekend.  And nothing goes better with a warm day than a cold beer, or two.

But the problem lies in moderation, both in crowd size and number of beers.

The quad at Townhouse Apartments in North Amherst can  hold 1,0000 revelers.  On Saturday it never approached half that and Amherst police never received a complaint about the noise or activities of the crowd, so all ended well.

But all it takes is for one participant to throw a snowball which is answered by an empty beer can and some idiot throws a full can or bottle of beer.  Then it starts rained dangerous projectiles. Or someone in the middle of the crowd passes out from too much alcohol and AFD needs to get to them fast.

In 2013 AFD  needed to get to an overly intoxicated young woman in the center of the quad. The surly crowd responded by lobbing bottles, cans and chunks of ice.  APD made six arrests.  Of course the following year the weather was also nice and all Hell broke lose.  Police made 58 arrests.

Last year thanks to stern messaging from UMass, an expensive concert at the Mullins Center, and the presence of 225 police officers townwide, the Blarney Blowout was a non event.

So I expect this coming March 5th weekend to be the same.

But on any given weekend between now and graduation, when the weather is right, things can go south with the speed of a flying beer can.


  1. YES-Bring On an INSTIGATOR-Clean up these puke-ups ASAP-If they are too dumb not to follow the lead- Bring On the water-canons-tear gas-paddy wagons-arrest-just say "NO" to puke-up TERRORISM..!!!

    1. Ah, the love in your heart. So wonderful to behold.

  2. "But all it takes is for one participant to throw a snowball which is answered by an empty beer can and some idiot throws a full can or bottle of beer. Then it starts rained dangerous projectiles. Or someone in the middle of the crowd passes out from too much alcohol and AFD needs to get to them fast."

    Didn't you just post your "Jumping the Gun" post where you jumped all over the Gazette? Just stick with reporting the news.

  3. While there is no doubt that the efforts by UMass and the Town were partly responsible for the lack of last year's blowout, as we know the main reason was the foot plus of snow on the ground. Unfortunately I do not think Mother Nature will lend that helping hand this year.

  4. Reform all you sinners, give up that Demon beer! Now is your chance to become whole again just like Larry and change your evil ways! One beer and your headed down the path to destruction! Repent! Repent I say and become one with the righteous one known as Kelley.

  5. One is too many and a thousand is not enough.

  6. This happens up there every decent weekend in the fall and as soon as they can get up there in the spring. (Who knew Feb 20 would be so great for a day drink!)

    Worth noting that there are rarely any problems up there at all. In fact, the event was broken up only once in the Fall, and it was rather late in the afternoon, almost 6 if I recall correctly. Only happened because APD and AFD had to wade into the middle of the quad to get to a student who needed help. And they actually received cooperation from the kids, who met them at the driveway and helped them clear a path, so kudos on that one. I drove by this weekend and APD was circling but letting them have their fun,w which I think is a good compromise.

    I still think Blarney 14 became the problem it became because the Storm Troopers broke up the party. Worth noting this fall, plain uniformed officers (granted, with pepper spray out) were the ones to tell them to wrap it up. Plain uniformed officers, very few in view of the students were also what made up the presence at the SW Super Bowl gathering in 2015, so I'd say both sides now know better how to handle these events. (The students listen and they listen because they are treated well.)

    UMass Dining just announced to the campus the elimination of guest meals for The Weekend this year. Fingers crossed.

    1. Storm troopers. Another cop hater. God forbid you ever need help from the police.

  7. Actually Blarney 2013 was centered in the quad area of Townhouse.

  8. Blame that on the fat fingers, but 2014 also started up there correct?

    Regardless, the sentiment stands.

  9. Luckily the police have to help you, even if you call them a storm trooper. I am not clear what the last poster is implying, but it appears he os saying police are scum because they may pick and choose when to help folks. If cops do this, then I would agree.

    Remember cops participated in the failed and violent drug war, it is going to take generations of great cops who have morals to fix the reputation of US cops after generations of cops who had few morals, enforced race and drug laws. Today, most of us do not trust police and assume if we are face to face that we will be disreapected or abused, as many of us have experienced from police. Enforcing these two sets of laws ruined the reputation of police outside of affluent families.....those of you in affluent families will never understand this. To most of America, cops are a big danger, the numbr 1 concern for be avoided at almost any cost. Deny this all you want, so many in Mass and the US feel this way.

    People are more afraid of cops vs. Not having one to call. Let's be real.

    1. You say most of us do not trust cops today. What is your source for that statement? And who is "us?"
