Monday, January 25, 2016

Stop! In the Name Of Common Sense

Valley View Drive intersects directly with South East Street

Acting as "keepers of the public way" the Amherst Select Board will vote tonight to install a stop sign at the intersection of Valley View Drive and South East Street, a 4.4 mile "scenic byway" that connects Main Street to Bay road.

That was just one recommendation that came out of a recent traffic study done by CDM Smith, costing $7,800, that found speeding was a concern, so an additional three speed limit signs, costing $1,700 total, will also be installed.

Interestingly a corresponding increase in accident rates was not uncovered as the problem area of South East Street had a 2.45 MVM (Million Vehicle Miles traveled) accident rate vs state average of 3.74 for this type of roadway.

DPW will hold off on adding a Yield sign near Stop sign in front of South Congregational Church in favor of an intersection redesign somewhere down the road


  1. They need to add more 'one way' and 'do not enter' signs on S. Prospect street. Too many times people drive the wrong way because they don't know it is a one way. They pull out of the Amherst Cinema/BOA lot and turn right.

  2. I think you pretty much *need* to at least match the correct number of syllables when you parody lyrics.

  3. (A life-long Supremes fan.)

  4. Hey Larry,

    If I read your post correctly, and that's 1 accident per x.yz MVM, then wouldn't the HIGHER the number be better? In other words, that number seems to be in an INVERSE relationship to the frequency of accidents - sort of like golf, where you win with a LOWER score (but the other way around).

    - Vulcan Native

  5. No? Are you sure? I just re-read your post, and suggest you re-read it too….

  6. A future re-design is a great idea, but couldn't they simply pull the sign out when the re-design happens? Methinks ...

    Marty Brown
