Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sorry About That Vince

Sandra Burgess (left) Vince O'Connor, Mary Wentworth (right) at 2/20/15 Hearing

Forever activists Vince O'Connor and Mary Wentworth used the Select Board Monday night Public Comment period to air their complaint about a challenge they filed with the Town Clerk last year concerning problematic signatures on Phoebe Hazzard's School Committee nomination papers.

Town Clerk Sandra Burgess ruled the complaint was filed a half hour after the deadline, and after two hearings the Board of Registrars agreed, thus dismissing the case.

But in researching deadlines for the Charter revision question which has now made the ballot the Town Clerk discovered she had erred and the deadline was not 48 hours after the Town Clerk's deadline for accepting nomination papers but a full two weeks later after the Board of Registrars had certified them.


This was back in late September early October, soon after Town Manager John Musante suddenly passed away

After informing Interim Town Manager Dave Ziomek and Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer and discovering there  is no provision in state law that covers this, she informed Mr. O'Connor of her mistake.  And Vince appeared to take it well. 

 Mary Wentworth & Vince O'Connor at the 1/11/16 Select Board meeting

But now, two months later, he appeared with Ms. Wentworth at the Select Board meeting to complain about it.  Ms. Wentworth was a tad confused saying it was the State Ethics Division who had ruled there was a violation, but that is not the case.

The mistake was discovered by the person who made the mistake and she owned up to it.  Now Mr. O'Connor and Ms. Wentworth want a public apology.

Considering what the School Committee will be deciding next week, Phoebe Hazzard probably wishes their challenge last year was successful. 


  1. Ms. Hazzard should have no concern as she still beat Vira 948-918. The voice of the people lie in the election results not in nomination papers.

  2. If a public official violates law or proceedure, there should consequences, certainly. A public appology would be minimum, a fine may be more appropriate. We don't want the public servants thinking they are in charge or above the law. She was trusted and violated that trust. Punish so others are discouraged from violating this trust. Sorry, I could not help but make a joke, haha public employee getting punished, haha, very rare.

  3. She didn't commit a crime. She just made a mistake. Get a grip.

  4. What about the signatures that looked like they were signed by a few people?

  5. With no children of his own and never even being a stepdad what the hell does Vince care about who is in the school committee anyway?

  6. There's nothing that saddens me more than watching Vince win one.

  7. Vince was right but he didn't win.
    Ms. Hazzard's upcoming vote on the school committee will be the deciding vote for the "one big school" option.
    We all lose because of higher taxes!

    1. I believe 4 SC members indicated they are voting for the large building housing 2 schools. I wouldn't say Ms. Hazzard is the deciding vote.

  8. Future charter schools will have their choice of vacant school buildings in Amherst

  9. I do not think that the mistake was Ms. Hazzard's, but something that was done by overzealous supporters on her behalf. & it has always bothered me that some many of the signatures in question involve ARPS central office staff & their families.

  10. Let's be clear: if Vince gets his way, it will be multiple projects and they added up will cost much, much more. Even he admits that. So be careful what you wish for.

    Rich Morse

  11. So overzealous central office employees signed for others during work time. Isn't this a crime. Has the superintendent looked into this? Wouldn't the town clerk?

  12. Why does someone who lives in South Deerfield care about why one of our residents cares about which elected officials are working our committees?
