Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Party House of the Weekend

21 Goldenrod Circle
No offense to my New England Patriots loving friends, but I'm pretty sure if our heroes had pulled out a last minute victory the Party House pickings would have been far more ubiquitous.

Thus the first weekend of the spring semester goes down as a relatively quiet one.  Let's hope that continues.  Especially in March.

For the you-know-what weekend.

The Bad Boys appeared before Judge Connolly and they were each assessed a $300 fine with four months probation.


  1. Funny thing-These stoner-boozer puke up types are the first ones to call the "flashing blues" on some Girl Scouts charity cookie stand..Hmmmmmmm ????

  2. Elbow patches? Man bun? He's moving to Portland the second he graduates, you can bet on that.

  3. Slow news day old man? Be careful...

  4. Hopefully Marco Monroy and Cole White learn from this experience. Show consideration for your neighbors and DON'T LIE TO THE POLICE! They were asked politely multiple times to "bring it down a notch or two" before the police were called.

    Its been a while since there were any DUI coverage (and the hilarious subsequent "take me down, I didn't mean it escalating to threats posts) on this site. Has Amherst gone dry (beyond house parties)?

  5. Working on one now (but only one perp, so that's a good thing).

  6. 0ne word: Supernova.

    Larry, enjoy the halcyon days while you can, as those student rentals will soon be Section 8 rentals and things will be a lot worse....

  7. How did you get these images?
