Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Over Amherst

Sacred West Cemetery
Gull Pond
 Owen's Pond
Epstein's Pond
Poor Farm Swamp


  1. Excellent shots Larry, thanks.

  2. My pleasure. It had been a few days and I was getting twitchy.

  3. Larry,
    What are you flying? A phantom 3, perhaps?
    The wind today, was that a concern for you at all?
    How did that impact the aircrafts performance?
    Thanks, a new UAV owner.

  4. Phantom 2 Vision + (model just before Phantom 3).

    Wind was not bad at all today as I've been up in much, much worse. As long as it's under 15 MPH and you have enough satellites locked (I had 13) it's a piece of cake.

  5. Wow, great video, but Kendrick Place is a monstrosity... and all that extra traffic it generates. RM

  6. Are you always line of sight or do you rely on the DJI app at times?
    I know i have to learn to trust the equipment, but, it is slightly disconcerting when it's a ways out and hard to see.
    Slow and not to low is how I'm proceeding at this point.
    This really does add another dimension to your web site, thanks.

  7. Thanks. I almost always stay in line of sight but rely on the app when framing the photos.

  8. Lots of parking lots down there!

  9. Well it was a holiday, and our #1 employer is not in session.
