Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lesson Learned?

Thursday around noon, Sellen Street, town center
Friday around noon, Sellen Street, town center

In the past year I've spotted and photographed three vehicles in town center with a "denver boot" attached.  Being bright orange they are pretty hard to miss.  And all three times, within hours, the driver had paid their parking tickets so the boot would be removed.

According to Treasurer/Collector Parking Director Claire McGinnis the town has two boots although she can only remember maybe one occasion over the past ten years when both were in use at the same time.

The boot is used when a driver has accumulated five unpaid tickets, and since a simple parking meter violation is only $10 that five ticket threshold is not all that much in actual dollars.  Of course there's additional late fees on each ticket, and an additional $25 charge to remove the boot, $50 the second time and $75 the third time.

Which is why I'm a little surprised this driver has not gotten the message, and still let the parking meter expire.

 Town takes in almost as much in fines/violations as it does for routine meter fees


  1. Throw the book at the bum. He needs more then a $50.00 ticket. A good lesson in following the rules of the law may be needed with this NITWIT!

  2. Boo hop, quit your whining and deal with it like everybody else!

  3. And the entire business district is moving to Hadley where there are no parking meters. Nor disabled pedestrians.

  4. It's a NY plate parked near Amherst College, PLEASE.... It's Daddy's money, no lessons to be learned here.... Fine them $1000 to take the boot off, they'll pay it and nothing will change.

  5. Stop reveling in your victimhood. I'm crippled for life too. Yes it sucks. So what?

  6. It sure is a poorly written notice. "Do not remove this vehicle". How would I do that? It should say something like what every other town says that boots - This vehicle has been immobilized. Damage will be done of vehicle is moved.

  7. WoW, The anon trollariuses retirts are busy wallowing in self pity over theyre disease addictiin !!! Ever think we could all be more Sympathetic " if you anons could hold it to yourself ??? Just say'n , Go Figure !??

  8. I've always wondered why someone simply doesn't simply torch the car.

    Boot will make it MUCH more difficult for AFD, insurance company will subrogate claim to town for damages as town technically had a duty of custodial care for the vehicle, and Jr. gets a new one as well. And any adjacent cars get damaged, those people are p****d at the Town, and Amherst auto insurance rates go up.

    Notice that UMass doesn't use these things...

  9. Has someone kidnapped this upstanding blogger and posted this specific threat (January 25, 2016 at 7:56 PM) of a terrorist act in Amherst?
