Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Charter Two for One?

As of 10:05 this morning 8 candidates have returned their Charter Commission nomination papers with the requisite 50 voter signatures required.  Another 15 have taken out papers but not yet returned them.

Yes former Select Board Chair Gerry Weiss and his wife Jenifer McKenna are among those names that are now guaranteed to appear on the March 29 ballot.

Obviously married couples don't necessarily think alike, but if they have lasted that long under one roof they probably are not opposites like Oscar and Felix.

The new Charter for Amherst is going to the the most important document of our generation.

 Three newest wannabes

Let's hope voters choose 9 Charter Commissioners with a varied background, who can bring strong independent thinking to the process.


  1. Sure, Larry, sure. Independent, as long as they eliminate TM.

  2. I'm not sure how long Gerry Weiss and Jenifer McKenna have been married.
    But, while she was serving on Amherst Town Meeting, she also wrote letters to the Gazette signed "Jenifer McKenna, Leed, MA"

  3. "The new Charter for Amherst is going to the the most important document of our generation. "

    I wish we could post pictures. The one I would post here is that of a horse with blinders addition to a blindfold, while being locked in a town barn with no windows.

    "Most important"? "Generation"? I will give you "Document".

    At least you know the relative value of the other document the town hands out, those diplomas.

  4. All in all, it ought to be interesting.

  5. Yep.

    We are certainly living in interesting times.

  6. I hope we will be able to plenty of information on each candidate. I want to vote for those that are more open minded and not stuck on an idea before the first meeting. I also hope this isn't just a popularity contest for town meeting members.

  7. From the looks of it so far, Town Meeting is safe. I can't pick out a majority that would change the status quo except by a few tweeks to make TM more powerful and less accountable!

    Come on Amherst for All members, get your petitions in! We need you!

  8. Anon 2:12 p.m.'s comment raises an interesting question: just what is the ideal mind for service on this charter commission and who has it?

    Rich Morse

  9. Just when you thought this couldn't get weirder...
    On Facebook, the son of Gerry Weiss and Jenifer McKenna is campaigning for them by stating:
    "I can promise you that they have superhuman stamina for joining a discussion with an open mind and voicing honest opinions in a respectful way"

    If they really have an open minds:
    Why are they trying to get 2/9th of the votes? -and-
    Why is their son, who lives in Northampton, campaigning for them?

  10. If formed, have the first order of business be a straw poll. Simple question, yes or no answer: Do you believe the current form of government should be changed? If majority say no, call it a day. If not, game on.

  11. Weiss, McKenna, Oldham and buddies wanna keep Town Meeting as is, but have Planning Board and Finance Committee be elected

  12. anon 8:22 if town meeting retains its powers to stop planning board decisions or finance committee recommendations like they do today, the fact that the board/committee is elected v. appointed does not change anything. their goal is to get the anti-zoning/development, pro-community services budgeteers in where they are currently not players, but no change to the status quo.
