Saturday, January 2, 2016

Bern Bernie Bern

Bernie Sanders spoke first to a crowd of 1,000 in front of the Fine Arts Center
And then spoke to a capacity crowd of 2,000 inside

Bernie Sanders, that lovable looking grandfather type we all wish we had, enthralled a crowd of 1,000 outside the UMass Fine Arts Center speaking for around 15 minutes prior to entering the concert hall (only 3 minutes late) which was filled to capacity with another 2,000 admirers.

And if he missed a single liberal talking point in his brief outdoor speech (gun control?) he probably made up for it with his longer remarks indoors.

 Huge line at 11:30 AM waiting to get in Fine Arts Center for 1:00 PM speech

$15/hour Minimum Wage, Single Payer Health Care, protecting both a woman's right to choose and gay marriage, fix the broken criminal justice system, expand paid family leave, tuition free higher education, and lowering interest rates on current student debt.  Whew!

And of course all of this will be financed by increasing taxes on the (predominantly Republican) "1%".

 UMPD estimated outside crowd at 1,000

Mr. Sanders also pointed out that Tom Brady is fine and all that, but maybe we New Englanders  should spend a bit more of our time "transforming America."

Bernie Sanders speaks to capacity crowd of 2,000 inside Fine Arts Center.  Photo by Michael Seward 

Max Hartshorne reports

Obviously not a Bernie supporter.  He was later ousted for heckling him inside the Fine Arts Center


  1. Last major political *candidate* on campus was Deval Patrick back in '06.

    How'd those eight years work out????

    Welcome To UMass....

    ALLEN WEST FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Why did they oust the white guy? They didn't oust BLM when they kicked Bernie off the stage at another "rally."

  2. Some good, some pretty unclear on the concept, I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one, this friend of Ben & Gerry's surely purport's to be one ! Does giving frauds who bilk Medicare free " Casino Daze " off do justice to those thus victimized by cheats already ???

  3. Many of these kids aren't old enough to remember the joys of communism. Would you like to join me in my crumbling hovel for a 40-year-old tin of Soviet sardines? TRUMP 2016!

  4. Bernie (or any socialist) Should be heckled.

  5. Please! Quit transforming America. You've already changed her, comrades. For the worst.

  6. I'm sure he's used to it. BlackLiesMatter ran him off the stage awhile back.

  7. No one even remembers Allen West.

    1. That does not mean West is not a great man. Besides, it's not a matter of remembering a person to whom you have yet to be introduced.

  8. What is a "Capacity" Crowd, is this some kind of socialist concept? Would be fitting.

  9. I hope Bernie goes Independent when Queen Hildabeest is crowned. TRUMP Landslide here we come!

  10. There could easily be two Supreme Court vacancies to fill in the next five years.

    The justices who fill those vacancies could determine the direction of the Court for the next generation. So we are on the cusp of something potentially awful.

    This prospect is what's guiding me in thinking about who should be the Democratic nominee. This is not the time for fantasy, but rather some clear thinking about who can actually win, and what nightmares could come true.

    Rich Morse

    1. The nightmare is upon us now in the guise of the Obama regime. To vote for more of the same would be a disaster. Would anyone in their right mind vote for more of the way things are now? We elected Obama because he was black. And everything since has become about racism. If Hillary is elected, Be prepared for an onslaught of charges of sexism. Race relations could not get any worse. So let's have more of that and throw in the war between men and women too. O joy. If you're hell bent on voting a woman into office, vote Fiorina. Other than that, enjoy the Trump landslide.

  11. What is more astonishing: Hillary Clinton's corruption, mendacity, viciousness, hypocrisy, and dishonesty? Or the fact that Democrats who recognize these things about her will vote for her anyway? Do Democrats celebrate those qualities, ... or simply excuse them?

    1. There is some thought that because the candidate has a vagina, this makes her qualified to lead us. Terrible idea. Similar to "Wow, wouldn't it be cool to elect a guy because of his skin color." Worst president in history.

  12. The Praetorian Guard media keep the regime well protected. The Pres Disapproval is at a whopping 64%. Hey let's see a Dem debate that isn't tucked away on a game- night Saturday night. Let's see a Dem debate with questions from the right for once. And why do we indict Cosby while attempting to put B. Clinton within 50 yards of the Blowval Office?

  13. I've met Allan West personally. INCREDIBLY brilliant man, well-read, unpretentious, only Congressman carrying a Rucksack.

    Picture a Donald Trump who is polite and absolutely not a bully.
    Yet he takes absolutely no BS from bullies, he fights back.

    Grew up in "Inner Atlanta" when things were still segregated -- a *real* Black man.

    Although you really don't even notice that. As we were conversing, I realized that but for his Southern accent -- more, lack of a Maine one -- he could pass for a Maine Lobsterman. And we'd love to have him.

  14. Anon 6:33 -- the Cosby indictment is worse. While he tripped alarms when I met him personally, you will notice that NONE of this stuff came out until he started raising the issue of Black culture, when he "left the reservation" and started to tell young black men to clean up their acts.

    Cosby was worse in that he used drugs -- those likely are controlled substances he was using. But what this all shows is how truly hypocritical the left is.
    How hypocritical the Feminists are...

  15. Can't you see? Bernie is for free. Free everything. It's all free I say!!!!! Please ignore the middle-class taxpayers who will be broke after paying for "free" who now stand behind the curtain.

    1. I still hate Communism. A lifelong stance. Why would anyone believe in that claptrap?

  16. I thought he was funnier when he had his show on HBO. Who thought Larry David could be so serious or is there some sort of joke in his routine no one is noticing.

  17. Lol. Larry David IS funnier. True.

  18. You don't think he's a Communist? Oh. He sure wants to redistribute your wealth and mine like one. A Socialist Republic, Soviet or otherwise smells like a duck to me.

  19. Did I mention I hate Marxism too? But enough about Obama.

  20. Anon @ 6:11 AM said: "Worst president in history."

    This was presumably about the current POTUS. Well, I never cast a vote for the man in office during his two presidential campaigns. But the statement that he's the "worst president in history" is, quite simply, hard to take with any degree of seriousness. Does this writer truly know United States history? What about Fillmore, Pierce, or Buchanan? Consider the relative ineptitude exhibited by Harding or Coolidge. Hoover and W. Bush are quite possibly the weakest chief executives of the last hundred years and presided over some of the largest financial calamities. A little perspective and reality is nice every now and then to balance out the hyperbole we see all too often these days.

  21. How do You think history will judge him? I revise my opinion. Obama is the worst president in my lifetime. And I've lived under 12 of the 43 men. (44 presidents, 43 men counting Cleveland once.)

  22. 11:15, how so? I hear this all the time - worst pres. in history. It's such a meaningless, spineless judgement. You are railing against losing control, that is all. So please expound - how does Obama (who, imo, has driven this country forward more than any other in MY lifetime) earn that title from you?

    1. 1. * President Obama introduced a healthcare bill that forces Americans to buy a service. * This he claimed was not a tax, and simply a penalty. * He continuously reaffirmed that that was the case, despite the fact that more than half the population thought the bill was in violation of the constitution. * When it came time for the court to decide whether it lived or not, the President's lawyers argued that it was legal because it was a tax and congress has the power to tax people. * Now the President is denying it again. * This is deception.

      2. *The President has used Executive privilege to allow his Attorney General not to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal. * He is obviously hiding something from everyone. * If he can't give up at least half of the documents, you know that something big is happening behind the scenes. * **

      3. *The President has made some very clearly politically motivated over the course of his term in office, arguably more than any president in modern American history. * The most recent of these was his recent temporary immigration reform. * *He had promised that he would have done it much earlier when his party controlled both houses of congress. But no, he had to wait until the election year so he could gain more support among Hispanic voters before they forgot.

      4. *The president has almost doubled our national debt in just 3.5 years, something that has never happened in American history. * We've accumulated more debt in the past 42 months than all of the previous 232 years of this republic. That's impossible to overlook.

      5. *This president is also involved in the leaking of some of our most confidential secrets. * It's certain they either came from someone high up in his cabinet that HE choose. *Regardless, he only launched an investigation after conservatives demanded he do so. * Wouldn't most people want an it to start immediately to insure that the *traitor to our government could put in jail as soon as possible and not do anymore damage.

      6. * President Obama is absolutely terrible at diplomacy. * He's convinced the Iranians that the US won't stop their nuclear programs and we'd never attack them unless they attacked us. * An Israeli ambassador even said "they aren't afraid of us"! * You know that the president is sending a weak message when any nation isn't afraid of the world's superpower.

      7. * The President has flip flopped more than once on the issue of gay marriage; this shows that we can never know what he truly stands for.

      8. *Unemployment is higher than when President Obama first took office and income is down. *These stats should be much better. * The president has been limiting economic growth because he has been limiting economic freedom for the job creators.

      9. * President Obama has been supporting environmentalists by giving them tens of billions in funding and subsidies despite the much more pressing concerns *that can't be solved without government and are much more practical to fix.

      10. The President has refused to work with the other party on anything. * He's always late on passing the budget because of this, among other things. * It's very possible to work with the other party, you just have to compromise on some things-Reagan did it very well. *President Obama can't just blame the Republicans every time the Feds don't act fast enough. * This is one of the prime indicators of a good president, and Mr. Obama lacks it.

      In short, President Obama is a selfish, unethical, deceptive, and just all around bad leader. * I'll say it in the words of Sarah Palin: *Obama lies, freedom dies.

    2. Most of this post is flat out inaccurate. Typical Republican lies.


    For starters...

  24. By the time Obama leaves office, our national debt will have added 10 trillion or more dollars during his 8 years presidency. A quick calculation, US population is about 320 million people. $10 trillion dollars national debt is $31k debt on every Americans. Since roughly only 50% of our population are taxpayers. $10 trillion national debt is about $62k for every taxpaying Americans. And this is just principal, we have yet add the trillions of interest payment down the road. Obama's 8 year presidency is the largest scale socialist experiment in US history that effectively bankrupts this nation.

  25. Just Google "Obama Worst President in History" for many more reasons this is said to be so.

  26. You hate democrats, you trust minorities and the poor. It's as simple as that. For every pseudo-fact you claim, there's a counterclaim. Face it, he was an effective president, not perfect, but improved the country. It is undeniable. History will bear this out.

    1. Obama was sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States. He has gone out of his way to circumvent it instead. One example: illegal sanctuary cities.

  27. You just go on telling yourself that.

  28. Obama is a Marxist and an anti Semite.

    A bunch of rich people
    convincing poor people
    to vote for the rich people
    by telling the poor people
    that other rich people
    are the reason they're poor.

    Always remember.....The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.!

  30. Obama the worst? Hmm, I don't think so. Just Google "George W. Bush worst president in history".

    Army deserter during Vietnam. Turned a booming economy and federal surpluses into deficits practically overnight. Responsible for ignoring and failing to prevent 9/11. Started 2 wars. Wholesale spying on American public. Lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Lined the pockets of military contractors while cutting social services. Took more vacation than any other 2 presidents combined. Botched Katrina cleanup (remember Heckuva job, Brownie"?). On and on, setting the table for Obama with plates of shit.

    Obama inherited Bush's mess and has done generally a pretty good job of extracting us from that hell. Plenty more work to do though, provided we can prevent another GOP president from looting the country again.
