Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sudsy Santa

And what's that Santa is holding in his right hand?

The kiddies promoting this childish event took umbrage at the Santa Con (Manhattan) photos I used to illustrate my post when I first broke this sordid story, and two weeks later they are still crying about it on the front page of the venerable Daily Hampshire Gazette.

But it was okay for them to use a photo of an obviously passed out drunk Santa in their Facebook promotion of the event?

Which also exposes their true motives for unleashing on our downtown this travesty.

Ho, ho, hick-up.

 Today's Gazette:  "Jollity" indeed


  1. Perhaps I could paraphase this discombobulated post for other.

    Larry hates parties and gatherings that are not organized and policed by the town, so when he sees a post that says tickets to the party are sold out, he translates it to they are still worked up about a paper article.

    Santa is not real, those that dress up as santa are all kinds, esp passed out drunk. This is a common xmass memory when walking around cities as a kid.

    Party on kids, your legacy is both larger and longer than Larry's....and you will be around longer and leave a bigger mark on the community. Everyone has heard of Zoo Mass, few have heard of Larry and few will. Zoo Mass will still be talked about in 50 years, Larry and this blog will surely fade away.

    Oh and drunk Santas will outlive Zoo Mass, most importantly.

  2. Surely my legacy will outlive Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

  3. College students are the WORST. "This is a common xmass memory when walking around cities as a kid." Sorry, let me rephrase that. College bros are the WORST.

    1. Bros? Speak English please. Oh. I see. You're trying to seem hip. I get it.

  4. Does Anon 9:52 AM graduate from our state university with such poor writing skills?

  5. I can speak from experience, having seen this monstrosity in NYC for years - it's a utter disaster. It is an event to get shit faced, period! It's a bar crawl where you dress like Santa. Females dress like Santa whores in as provocative an outfit as they can.

    Sorry, no other way to explain what I've seen of this event. I've watched children cry as Santas threw up in front of them in the streets. I've seen pools of vomit everywhere. It's as if the outfit gives people a fantasy to get as shitfaced as they can. Now of course the fine town of Amherst isn't NYC, but this event is universally panned wherever it goes. In NY it got so bad that community boards banned it and each year it has to find a community that doesn't know about how bad it is. They even have a high priced lawyer now in NY as they are being banned everywhere.

  6. Burn, baby, burn....

  7. Even town meeting has more decorum.

  8. 1:22, perhaps you would prefer a more explicit term than "bros" for overentitled male brats with nothing better to do than drink beer, pass out in the street, harrass women, and scare children? Okay, how about "assholes"?

    1. That's.much better! Thank you. Lol

  9. No problem.

    I banned my daughters from coming here a l-o-n-g time ago.

  10. Yeah, because every other university is so different. My how people forget their college years when they get old.

  11. You hate the whole generation? Wow. That's a little strong. But okay. Celebrate diversity.

  12. Report the facts after you actually have them. The event hasn't happened yet.

  13. We could hold a contest on how many Sudsy Santa's Larry can knock out with one kick within a five minute time frame. I'd bet all that he came in contact with. Go Larry!!!!!

  14. That might be a little hard to explain to my youngest daughter (who still believes).

    Drunk driving Santa. In Amherst soon!

  16. With apologies to Benjamin Hanby...

    On Amherst housetops, reindeer pause,
    And off jumps drunken Santa Claus,
    Down through town the girls and boys
    Party with cheer and holiday noise.
    Ho Ho Ho, Who wouldn't go?!
    Ho Ho Ho, Who will say no?
    Up on the housetop, click, click, click
    Vixen and Bliztem are getting sick.

  17. "We could hold a contest on how many Sudsy Santa's Larry can knock out with one kick within a five minute time frame."

    "That might be a little hard to explain to my youngest daughter (who still believes)."

    I'd like to think that Larry would find it likewise a bit hard to explain to Judge Payne....

    I'd like to think that....

    And Larry, the price of the in-your-face that the Town has taken toward the UM students over the past 10, 20, 30 years (ever increasing) is that they could care less about how your youngest daughter feels. When you govern by fear instead of mutual respect, you have no respect. Machiavelli knew that, Machiavelli essentially SAID that...

    And I still say that the pretty girl saying "don't you dare throw that bottle" (at the police officer) is FAR more effective than the Town and/or Team Enku could ever do. It's called "winning the hearts & minds" -- something we didn't do in Vietnam, and we kinda know how that turned out...
