Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Ho, Ho Humbug

Select Board could suspend permit of a downtown bar causing a public disturbance

The Amherst Select Board, who are also the official state "Liquor Commissioners" for the town, heard a brief report last night from Interim Town Manager Dave Ziomek on the town's preparedness for the downtown pub crawl Santa Con, stumbling into town center on Friday.

He has "Every confidence we are as prepared as we can be.  Staffing will be up in both police and fire departments and Chief Livingstone will be on duty ... we will be prepared."

But Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer let it be known "If things go badly I want their names -- the establishments who participated -- in public.  If they created a problem I want it to be known."  She requested Mr. Ziomek provide a public post mortem at their December 14 meeting.

Connie Kruger also displayed her displeasure with the event asking Mr. Ziomek for ongoing reports the night of the event while she clearly stated, "My message is this event really is unwelcome in this town."

There was also some discussion -- and you could practically see their eyes rolling -- about how UMass Isenberg School of Management is probably not overly proud of their recent graduate turned hospitality entrepreneur.

And how perhaps the Campus & Community Coalition could have done more in response to this event -- especially after they recently opposed a beer/wine permit for a hard working small business owner on the outskirts of town center.


  1. The true spirit of Christmas is lost on these half-wit Santas. Good luck to anyone having to deal with them.

  2. Lighten up and take your geritol.

  3. Amherst what a joke of a town. Any town worth its weight would have stopped this crap from the gitgo. But not in liberal Amherst. Oh well waste the tax payers money on the clean up and arrests. When the IRS blew about 4 billion dollars paying out on fraudulent tax returns I guess crap like this pales.

  4. All the topics you cover about UMass and this is somehow the first time you mention Isenberg-one of the best business schools in the country. And naturally in a negative light.

    So far there's no evidence Santa Con will pose any threat. Putting the cart before the horse on this one.

  5. Debauched wastrels think YOUR life is what needs spilling. !!!

  6. I again say what an ingenious resume builder.

    Apparently ISOM no longer is teaching business ethics, but still, what an ingenious resume builder...

    And as to Geritol, some folk at 27 are already closed-minded enough to be considered senile. (Did it ever occur to you that this is being exploited, that YOU are being exploited by a ruthlessly ambitious "Young Turk"?)

    1. Hasn't anyone here a sense of humor? Godalmighty.

  7. As of today only 2 establishments are participating in this event. The Monkey Bar and Lit night Club.

  8. Apparently as of now it's just the Monkey Bar
