Thursday, December 31, 2015

Half Way To Bankruptcy

Cherry Hill winter wonderland (note DPW did not even bother to plow the parking lot)

Once again at the fiscal year half-way point for the golf business that straddles two calendar years, the municipally owned Cherry Hill Golf Course is, as usual, on a fast track to economic ruin. 

Only it's the taxpayers who cover the losses, not the tax-exempt White Elephant business. 

At closing in mid-November (yes, they did not stay open to take advantage of the warmest December in history) total revenues are a pathetic $99,144, down from last year's $102, 347 at this same time.

And last year they went on to finish FY15 with $211,680 total intake vs $298,133 spent, or a lost of $86,453.

But this year's budget has an extra $16,000 in capital appropriations for yet another lawnmower, so safe bet they will break the $100,000 mark for losses when the books close (June 30) on FY16.  This will about match the $103,964 lost in FY14.

Hey a $100K here and $100K there,  pretty soon you're talking real money.  Money that could go towards hiring a couple of badly needed first responders.

Next spring when all our ambulances are out and AFD Central and North Station are empty, Dispatch should tell a 911 caller to try the golf course.  Maybe a groundskeeper in a golf cart will be free to respond, as they sure aren't overly busy serving golf customers.


  1. It's a recreational facility. Get over it. Brings in more money than Groff Park.

  2. Golf courses are best grouped with any other recreational facility. Pools, athletic fields, public parks...

    All cost money to maintain or operate, but are assets to the town they are in and the people who live there.

  3. But Groff Park doesn't cost $100K annually in upkeep.

    Town Meeting was clearly told 28 years ago that Cherry Hill would be self sustaining as a golf business. It has not. Not even close.

    And before he died Town Manager Musante gave a heads up to the Select Board that he was considering once again putting out an RFP for a private entity to take it over.

  4. If it was a town owned karate school losing money, you'd be in support of it. Just because you don't golf, know nothing about it, you hate it. Great amenity for the town and they should support it just as they have been. Wonderful little course and great people running it.

  5. Actually my first speech on the floor of Town Meeting 30 years ago was precisely about the town not running karate, gymnastics or ballet programs in competition with private sector programs who do a much better job.

  6. Beautiful view there, Larry! The town is realizing many benefits beyond the game of golf by owning this property.

  7. Yep. And it would look just as beautiful if the town simply kept it as open space (like all the other conservation property in town) thus saving over $100,000 per year.

  8. It's a great place! It's a tiny part of the town budget and as a taxpayer, I strongly support it.

  9. I'm 100% for the town keeping it. It's a treasure. And it makes sense to contract out the running of it to a 3rd party.

  10. Or we could turn it into a real money maker by installing a solar array.

  11. That's what landfills are for. Doesn't make sense to take beautiful recreational land for that use.

  12. Tell that to the neighbors who abut ye old landfill.

  13. Thank you town crier- you love to put yourself in the center of the news. Just be careful.

  14. I'm Irish.

    Threats only spur me all the more.

  15. I would rather pay for a golf course than another stained glass window.

  16. That was CPA money (which falls from heaven).

    1. So sorry, my bad. Raise the pitchforks and torches and cast out these evil golf managers. I feel better now, thanks Larry.

  17. Yeah, because we're not taxed for CPA. Oh, wait, we are. And at an increased rate.

  18. 'Twas a joke.

    But then, studies have revealed high taxes leads to losing your sense of humor.

  19. A municipal golf course does not compete with private golf courses. Private courses are either open to members only or charge steep green fees to the public.

    Cherry Hill offers a great recreational opportunity at an affordable price?

    Could the business be run better? Yes. This is not a reason to plow it over.

  20. Of course municipal golf courses compete with private operations.

    But you are correct that Cherry Hill could be run better.

  21. It's time for the Golf course to go out for bid. It doesn't have to be plowed under. Amherst would get property tax and a small fee from the person who leases it. It would have to stay public and have someone from the town sitting in on decisions. So lets say a five year lease @ 25,ooo(including tax and lease). In essence the town would be making 100,000 to 125,000 a year(it loses 100,000 yr) or gaining 500,000 over 5 years that could go to schools, police or fire. Its time to move in that direction. A win win for amherst
