Tuesday, December 22, 2015

DUI Dishonor Roll

Amherst police arrested and charged three drivers with drunk driving over the weekend -- all of them women.  In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday all three lawyered up and had their cases continued until next month.

All three also took the legally admissible Breathalyzer test back at APD headquarters, so their chances of outright winning a trial are pretty close to zero

Interestingly Meaghan Shea initially seemed like she wanted to settle her case immediately, telling Judge Payne, "I know I'm guilty."  But he had her talk to the prosecutor and she then opted to have a public defender assigned to her.

Meaghan Shea, age 29, arraigned before Judge Payne
 Click to enlarge/read.  Note BAC is 3x legal limit!
Heather Pew, age 21, stands before Judge Payne
Carrie Holmes, age 22 (and father) stand before Judge Payne


  1. The life of the party, till they take a life, remember, someone innocent did't ask Santa for a funeral kinda uninvited !!!

  2. Based on your past postings, these offenders have been all women. Time for
    another study?

  3. I will save you the $10,000 consultant fee:

    Overall more men than women are arrested in Amherst for DUI.

    If you repeatedly flip a coin it's not unusual for heads to come up three or four times in a row even though the odds are always 50/50.

  4. Looks like one of those women has a prior OUI on her record. That 2nd offense is going to hurt.

  5. For those who are curious. https://www.instagram.com/__heathermay__/

  6. I'm moved by the sight of a father who stands up in public with his daughter when she's made a bad mistake.

    Rich Morse

  7. You do realize these women have lives and futures, right?
    While i do not condone drinking and driving, I am sure it is a mistake many have made in their life. It is something that even highly respected politicians, businessmen and women have probably done at least once in their life. In order to be faced with a dui, you only need to have had two drinks. One persons mistake does not define them. These women are most likely students and/or people who work in the community. Just because they have made a mistake doesn't mean they are horrible people. Instead of blasting them in such a disrespectful way, why dont we place the focus on alcohol education and prevention amongst our colleges and community. The problem is not these women, the problem is people like you who chose to blame others instead of acting progressively.
