Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Appointing A New Leader

Town Hall in a fog since untimely death of John Musante September 20th

Since Amherst citizens are nothing if not outspoken the Amherst Select Board -- who expects to appoint a new Town Manager this summer -- wishes to hear your input at three upcoming forums about criteria for hiring that new leader:

Bernie Lynch from Community Paradigm Associates, seen here at 12/21 Select Board meeting, will facilitate

My only suggested requirement is that he/she have a thick skin.  But I'm sure they will be forewarned about the blogosphere.


  1. how about making sure the roads are cleared of snow and not filled with potholes?

  2. It's town manager not head of DPW. That's like asking them to put out fires better.

  3. Speaking of which: increased AFD staffing!

    (Get Hampshire College to pay its fair share of AFD runs to them, somewhere in the neighborhood of $120,000 annually).

  4. They definitely should pay there share.

  5. Yeah, if they can afford that new $9 million fancy Kern Center Building ...

  6. Who ever becomes the town manager, needs to put a muzzle on the select board and not allow them to give the long winded preamble to any of their comments about anything that comes before the board. Have them get right to the point and get some work done in a timely manner. They probably will be disappointed when they watch the re-runs of the board meeting and cannot pat them selves on the back for wasting everyones elses time trying to figure out what was the point in the first place of the opening discussion

  7. We need checks and balances on the police department.

  8. Agreed. A civilian review board, 1/2 of which are um students who are NOT from the valley.

  9. something that at least resembles the frequent and public school committee meetings, so there is a place for people who have concerns about police department conduct and decision-making processes to air them like a man or woman, on live television, and saying it directly to the person who is in charge of that department. you'd think no one has concerns about the money and leadership over there, only town hall and the schools, based on the meetings we set and what we choose to cover on community television. i have no idea whether or not the budget they make makes sense, no idea whether growth and improvement is being tracked and measured, no idea whether personnel issues are being handled appropriately, et cetera. we need to let them know they are not an entirely autonomous department, and they ought to be persistently held up for measure publicly, like the other (brave) leaders in town.

  10. APD is a pet pea of Larry's, but they seem to be doing a good job. Who else would want to baby sit a bunch of beer drinking kids.

  11. Ya gotta wonder if PD civilian review boards were set up 20 years ago in every town and city...

  12. Why do we need more cops, when we have a town crier/snitch? Or do we need more to keep an eye on this wannabe mall cop?

  13. Somebody has to keep an eye on the Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

  14. Anonymous at 2:15 PM

    Pet pea? That's a new one. It's pet peeve.

  15. If you want more cops and firemen then increase the taxes of the residents of Amherst, many work for Hampshire College and most live in Amherst. Stop looking for handouts you old man. Donate money to the town of Amherst, I am sure they will gladly accept, even if they have to hold their nose.

  16. Our taxes (although that probably doesn't include you) are already in the top 10% for the entire state.

  17. The majority of Amherst supports higher taxes, except for a few old goats, who want the Brinks truck to follow them to the cemetery. Let's get Amherst into the top 5% of cities and towns in the entire state, then we can hire more cops.

  18. Why would anyone support higher taxes?

  19. Talk about a vow of povertyJanuary 2, 2016 at 8:54 AM

    "Why would anyone support higher taxes?"

    Why HAVE they been?

    Oh wait, I know.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. The wheels on their bank accounts go round and round, round and round, round and round...
