Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Change In Command

Peter Hechenbleikner at the 11/30 Select Board meeting

The Amherst Select Board just announced that Peter Hechenbleikner would be our Temporary Town Manager serving from February 1 through mid-summer.

Mark Rees, who garnered the unanimous approval of the Select Board after both were interviewed at a public meeting on November 30th, was hired away by Fairhaven as the their "Town administrator."

 Mark Rees aced his Amherst interview but took another job


  1. That's a lot of interim positions he's held. Always a bridesmaid....

  2. No. There is a pool of people that only want to be interim managers. Most have retired from the permanent positions and just look to fill in.

  3. Sure. And Marcy loves being single. She can travel the world with no strings attached!
