Friday, November 6, 2015

Teen Angst

Wednesday, 1: 45 PM

Turns out the female "driver" of the black SUV that barreled into the Miss Saigon Restaurant Wednesday afternoon is only 14 years old.  Yikes! 

She has been cited by APD for "Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Operating To Endanger, and Wanton Destruction of Property over $250."

The Amherst Regional Middle School has "early release" on Wednesday that floods the town with teens.

This is the way it's supposed to be done


  1. Because it's Amherst I have to ask, 14 years old physically or emotionally?

  2. yikes. I am glad she was cited.

  3. Maybe he just really wanted a $300 bong from the head shop....and got eager.

    Shame on his parents and the school system, for both raising him wrong and not watching over him.

  4. Wow! And the person who let him/her drive should also be charged.

  5. who says they let her? 14 year olds don't always ask for permission.

  6. Nice video. I didn't know Larry's drone could fly that low.

  7. I really can't stand early release days. Kids run wild, clog up traffic, litter, and block the sidewalks. These parents have no clue how poorly behaved their children are. I noticed the Amherst Market now only allows 2 students in at a time and no backpacks are allowed.

  8. I really can't stand Town Meeting days. Codgers run wild, clog up traffic, litter, and block the sidewalks. These children have no clue how poorly behaved their parents are. I noticed the Senior Center now only allows 2 of them in at a time and no irrelevant pontifications are allowed.

  9. Blaming the school - now that is rich (with stupidity)!

  10. Why not blame the school? You'd blame UMass were she a student there....

  11. Wow Old Man, you my friend are a dam good driver.#nolife

  12. And I'm even pretty damn good at spelling, CAN.

  13. Seriously, La4ry,why isn't the school at least considered partially responsible? They know that most mothers work during school hours, ànd that it isn't easy to get a few hours of childcare so they know that these children will be unsupervised.

    If Team Maria takes student safety as seriously as they do with their paranoia, you'd think they'd be worried about the consequences of these earl6 release days.

    1. What is the point of an early release day?

  14. Why talk about the mothers are working so kids roam downtown on early release days. Why aren't fathers part of the discussion. This is sexism.

  15. Other than teachers not teaching a full day, what IS the point of early release?

    Remember that the HS Trimesters exist so that HS teachers teach one less class -- that came out when there were proposals to eliminate that obtuse and asinine system and the union pointed out that a former SC had given them management rights which they never should have -- and that a change would have to be negotiated because, ummm, there was one class less with the Trimester system than there otherwise would be.

  16. Because fathers rarely get custody but are ALWAYS expected/required to be working -- and won't be given the "mother's hour's" shift, either.

    Besides, do you have any idea of how few of these children have frequent contact with their fathers, let alone love with them???? And I'm sure that the social services folk would be helpful to à dad as well.....

  17. Mothers don't get "mother's hours shifts" either. And professional moms are working long hours too, and their kids roam town just as much as other kids.

    Curious though how this 14 year old got access to this big SUV. Did the parents not know?

  18. Particularly now that there are chips in keys and a limit on how many copies you can have -- It isn't like when we were kids and you could get a copy cut anywhere, no questions asked.

  19. Hey guys im a student that went to Arms but I left the Amherst district last year. I was reading some of the comments and I have to say you all have your great point but lets not forget, you live in a college town with a large population of younger people. "Town" is ARMS and AMHS's hangout and place for teens but it also is a place to gain independence and to get out of the house. In this case this student didn't make the best choice but what has that have to do with the rest of the schools? It's not the schools fault this happened and I think we should be going to the parents not the school, theres nothing the school can do about it. "Kids run wild, clog up traffic, litter, and block the sidewalks. These parents have no clue how poorly behaved their children are." From anonymous. You all think its just the school student. But its a community problem. You cant blame traffic, litter and clogged sideways on them, its there community as much as it is yours.

    1. Didn't make the "best choice?? It's illegal. A crime.

  20. Of course it is the parents' fault. Both parents' fault. I don't think my kids would ever do that, because I'd like to think that I have taught them better. If they do do something like this, then it's clear to me that I have not taught them better. If I thought my kid needed supervision for the occasional early dismissal, then I would arrange for childcare, if I were not available. (And don't bring money into the equation, the person who owns that car can afford childcare).

    This is NOT the fault of the school. Per union contract, the teachers are allowed these specific half days for curriculum work (or whatever), but the point is that this half-day has been planned ahead and parents have had months of notice of this half-day. We are living in a world where we like to blame others, but ultimately we are responsible for our own children. and their actions.

    1. It's the stupid kid's fault. No one else's. The school. The parents. Why is it so necessary to excuse the perp??

    2. It's the stupid kid's fault. No one else's. The school. The parents. Why is it so necessary to excuse the perp??

  21. Because a 14-year-old is considered, well, "Mentally Ill." Men's Rea.

    Having the mental ability to know not to do something.

    That is why the child has legal guardians, usually parents.

  22. It's still the stupid kid's fault. No need to look any further.

  23. She may not be liable, but she IS at fault. Who else was driving? You? Me?
