Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sign, Sign Everywhere A Sign

New design for "wayfinding" signs highlights the town's terrific name front and center

Let's hope the Amherst College students calling for the termination of Lord Jeff as their unofficial mascot don't come picket the Amherst Select Board Monday night where they will be receiving a report about the new improved "wayfinding" signs for the downtown.

 Amherst Planning Board

Jonathan Tucker told the Planning Board last night "The brand itself is the name of the town, and not a historic building or image." 

Although in the background is the unmistakable outline of historic Town Hall and the Holyoke Mountain Range, which of course does not tower over Main Street.

Amherst College is wicked quick to point out they are named after the town rather than Lord Jeff, although the Lord Jeff Inn -- owned by Amherst College -- is kind of another story.

 Lord Jeffery Inn, name after you know who

And yes there has been talk -- more like muttering -- about changing the name of our town because Lord Jeff may have been a tad too zealous trying to exterminate the enemy who was trying to exterminate his people. 

'Twas hard to do the business of war in the pre Geneva Convention era.

The Planning Board signalled their unanimous approval for the design when all five raised their hands (two positions on the board are currently unfilled and two members were absent) although Chair David Webber did not call it a formal vote.

I guess the only thing I would change is to add a strike through to the H in AMHERST.  Or put a blanket over it.


  1. Larry, I bet if you hovered over the cemetary you could get a matching shot of Town Hall backed by the Holyoke range.

  2. The only idiots that call Amherst, Amerst, are the idiots who live here. To the rest of the world, it is what it says, minus the attitude, AmHerst.

  3. Even most of the WMUA and WAMH radio hosts pronounce it incorrectly, apparently no one corrects them. At least Bob Paquette had the decency to correct himself. Richard Marsh

  4. How do you pronounce "Eastham" or "Chatham"? The "h" isn't really silent, it's "gently aspirated" with the accent more on the first than the second syllable - neither are pronounced "EastHam" nor "ChatHam" - and, similarly, "Amherst" isn't pronounced "Amherst" and again the accent is more on the first than the second syllable.

  5. Sure. Show anyone the word who doesn't live in the town and they will say AmHerst. They even did last night on 22 news.

  6. World War III has begun and this is what we care about?

  7. How much did this Wayfinding cost? Does anyone else find all this time and money spent ridiculous? Or maybe we can hire a consultant to tell us what to think.

  8. So far its been covered by a state grant.

    The actual signs will cost a fair amount when we get to that stage.

  9. All we need is more signs downtown to really confuse people about where to go!!!

  10. Instead of Wayfinding, can the town find its way to paving Kellog Avenure. It's undrivable.
