Monday, November 9, 2015

Party House of the Weekend

45 Phillips Street

Once again a weekend that was relatively quiet compared to the bad ol' days of just two or three years past.  Our only Party House, with two arrests for Noise & Nuisance, occurred on Phillips Street the most notorious street in Amherst.

 Click to enlarge/read

45 Phillips Street to be exact, owned by the most notorious absentee landlord in Amherst, Stephan Gharabegian, who also owns another three houses on Phillips Street, #37,#33, and #11.

Only one house out of all nine on the street is owner occupied.  And the front bookend on North Pleasant Street is a fraternity.

Phillips Street located adjacent to UMass

In Eastern Hampshire District Court this morning both underage individuals took the standard plea deal offered by the Commonwealth: Pay one of the $300 tickets and stay out of trouble for the next four months.

Adrian Lech, age 20
Jason Rubenstein, age 20


  1. Also known as Dress Up Mondays.

  2. WOW, college students playing loud music!!

  3. No respect for anyone, this is the future of our youth.

  4. It's amazing the things students get arrested for in amherst. other college towns don't even get a slap on the wrist for partying at 1:45 in the morning. No surprise here though, just amherst being typical lame amherst.

  5. Anon 12:04, you are right, it is amazing.
    Amazing that anyone could be stupid enough to host a loud party in a town where they know that the ordinances that were drafted to ensure a decent quality of life for tax paying residents who wish to sleep and enjoy their neighborhoods without idiots urinating in their yards and screaming into the wee hours of the morning... are enforced rigorously. AMAZING! Richard Marsh

  6. Here's a wacky idea - why doesn't the town work with Garabehegian (sp) to tear down these slums and put up a row of townhouses? It could attract a better class of tenant, raise more tax $ and make more money for Mr. G.

  7. I love that this is what passes for a "high crime area" in Amherst. Have some perspective....
