Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Party House of the Weekend

Yes this past Halloween weekend has given me plenty of material, sorry to say.

But the good news is two or three years ago this party house would barely have garnered a mention compared to the other three or four that were then part of the normal routine.

 click to enlarge/read 
All 3 underage bad boys paid the $300 fine and will be on probation for 4 months

Things are getting better.  Much better.


  1. Sit back and relax, enjoy life. You worry too much.

  2. Please post the locations of these party houses in advance if you can. They sound like fun to me, and I'd like to go to one of these parties. I'll assume they don't send out 400 invitations, and that crashing is required.

  3. Let me guess, you're a psychology major?

    1. Nope. Just a fun-loving college age yute.

  4. Did I miss something?

    Any warnings before the arrest?

    They were told to disperse the crowd- they did and then they were arrested?

  5. Ahh what the hell. It's Sunday morning and no one ever told me about any parties. I feel so left out.
