Wednesday, November 11, 2015

More Bad News

Sandy Pooler earned an A for his handling of finances over the past 5 years

Click to enlarge/read


  1. YIKES! That is a much bigger loss to the town than Mr. Ziomek choosing not to put his hat in the ring for Town Manager. I was actually hoping Mr. Pooler would be the candidate brought forth. His depth of knowledge and expertise, good natured humor and ability to communicate effectively across a wide range of constituencies in town was unparalleled. Maybe that was what was making Ms. Brewer's "voice crack"! We've got a tough row to hoe replacing both he and Mr. Musante in such a short period of time.

    Glad we have such a level headed group serving on The Select Board right now.

  2. What is going on?! We will definitely miss you, Sandy. Wish we coulda kept ya.

  3. And did I mention Select Board member Doug Slaughter was in a motorcycle crash on his way home from the Select Board meeting Monday night?

    Fortunately he's OK.

  4. The Musante/Ziomek/Pooler administration will be long remembered as Amherst's finest eras. Thank you to all 3.

  5. This sucks! Sandy (and John) were great bosses to work for and with. Sandy is a "stand up guy" and cannot be easily replaced, aand neither can John. Sooo sadden by this news. Life at the Town Hall will not be the same.

  6. Makes me wonder whether people are fleeing because of some on the Select Board...

  7. Bummer, but haven't recent times shown an excess of spending, poor school performance for hogh cost and comstant controversy?

    New blood may help improve these issues.

    Perhaps Amherst could upgrade to someone from the private sector, even at higher cost as that investment may produce savings. Private sector folks have a much better sense of the value of money because they have always had to convince folks to give it up vs those in govt who can just take it by force.

  8. Mayor coming to Amherst - folks are running.

  9. This is especially odd given that Sandy just bought Eva Schiffer's home. Thought that signified a long term commitment to being here. Maybe John was the glue that held things together, made it worthwhile dealing with the complexities of managing this unique town of ours...where only the H is silent (and only some of the time).

  10. Anon 1:30 Agreed. John was the real deal.

  11. Rob Detweiler can be a town finance director who will know where all the school finance bodies are buried

  12. Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

  13. Poor choice of words

  14. Mega schools for complete foolsNovember 12, 2015 at 5:12 PM

    "Rob Detweiler can be a town finance director who will know where all the school finance bodies are buried"


    Got that friggan right.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. BTW, Bobby's been busy lately. Look it up.
